Dr Lily Hamourtziadou

Lily Hamourtziadou

Senior Lecturer and Course Leader MA in Security Studies

School of Social Sciences
+44 (0)121 331 6379

Lily researches and teaches international politics and security. She is principal researcher for leading NGO Iraq Body Count, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Lily’s work contributes to peace efforts, civilian harm mitigation in conflict and humanitarian causes, while increasing awareness and understanding of world politics.

Being able to apply her education to the practice of human security has meant that her work has helped achieve positive changes in policy, humanitarian responses or planning, and contributes to the on-going assessment of conflict globally. She is regularly consulted and interviewed on global and national security matters by the media and international organisations.

She is an active member of the Counter Terrorism Evidence Based Review Group, which is part of the Counter Terrorism Policing HQ, that devises policy and strategy, coordinates and evaluates national CT projects, facilitates the collaboration between academia and the building of a Prevent database, and works with the government and intelligence agencies.

She is a member of 3 research centres at BCU: Centre for Security and Extremism, Centre for Human Rights and Centre for Brexit Studies.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Media Work
Work With Industry
Links and Social Media