Dr. Zafer Yilmaz

Dr Zafer Yilmaz holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a specialization in Industrial and Systems Engineering. He pursued his Master's of Science degree at the METU Informatics Institute and obtained his PhD from the Turkish Land Forces Academy-Defence Sciences Institute, focusing on Supply and Logistics Management.

Prior to his tenure at BCU, Dr Yilmaz served as an Assistant Professor in the Business Administration Department at TED University. He conducted his post-doctoral research at McGill University from 2017 to 2018, where he taught courses in Operations Management and Logistics Management. Moreover, he played a pivotal role, overseeing the selection process for the Master of Management in Analytics program at McGill University.

In addition to his contributions to leading academic journals, Dr Yilmaz actively engages in collaborative endeavours with industry partners and research institutions. His current endeavours focus on spearheading projects centred on sustainability and smart mobility within the context of smart cities.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Work With Industry