
"This course will offer you a number of potential career paths to directly impact the next generation of future athletes. Our ‘Practice-led, Knowledge-applied’ approach will involve engaging and delivering in a range of practical settings, opportunities to participate in additional vocational awards, as well as developing your self-confidence and interpersonal skills. Whether you have future job aspirations as a Sports Coach, Teacher, or Lecturer, this course will provide you with the opportunity to fulfil your potential." Adam Kelly – Course Leader for Sports Coaching and Physical Education
See just some examples of where your degree could take you...
1. Sports coaching
Sports coaching is an exciting avenue you may wish to explore, as you will have obtained sufficient knowledge on a range of pedagogical and coaching styles/techniques. This rewarding career aims to help teams and individuals across a range of ages and capabilities to achieve their full potential.
2. Teaching
On completion of this degree, you'll have the foundations to study a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) where you can obtain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). This can either be at secondary school level where you only teach Physical Education, or as a primary school teacher that specialises in Physical Education.
More about being a primary PE teacher
3. Sports development
Sports development is a popular area which involves Sports Coaches working within local districts to help support PE in schools, extra-curricular programmes outside of school hours, and during holiday periods. Sport Birmingham is our local development agency which works with 45 other counties across the UK to widen participation in sport.
Sports Development Officer role profile
4. Public health
Public health involves working alongside the NHS to help improve the health and well-being of members of the public. This may be working alongside members of the local community to help engage people to lead healthy and active lifestyles or supporting local organisations to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for staff/customers.
Public Health England on physical activity
5. Further study/research
You may wish to study further and go on to research physical activity more deeply. This may be in the form of a Master’s degree and/or a PhD qualification. This would involve you identifying one area to focus on and researching this in greater detail.
6. Specialising in one Sport
On completion of your course, you may feel more suited towards one particular sport, and may have developed a specific area of expertise. so you might wish to work specifically with a particular National Governing Body in a variety of roles including coach, tutor and event organiser.