10 Games, Film and Animation Instagram accounts you should be following


Instagram account primary image - image of hand holding and scrolling Instagram on a smartphone

Instagram can be a minefield of content! For those artists looking for some fresh ideas, information and inspiration, we've put together a list of ten accounts from artists, galleries and collectives that we think you should be following.

1. EGX: @egxofficial

Image of life-size model of Spiderman at EGX convention

Celebrate all things gaming by following the UK’s biggest gaming convention. Be in the know and get a sneak peek at console games before they even get released.

2. David De León Luis: @davidleonluis

Image of 'Rifleman' character at three different angles created by David DeLeon Luis

Learn David’s process on 2D and 3D concept art, you can even get involved and request what he should draw next.

3. Jama: @jamajurabaev

Black and white digital image of a ship at sea

Follow self taught designer Jama from Tajikistan who worked on Disney’s live action TV series The Mandalorian, creating concept art for the show.

4. Sparth: @sparth

Digital image of outdoor landscape with hills and water

Delve into the world of Sparth, game art director and concept artist who’s been in the Video Game Industry since 1996.

5. Bryan Wynia: @bryanwynia

Black and white digital image of crocodile/dinosaur-esque creature

Born in the 80s and a passion for monster art, creative director Bryan gives us an insight in the game and film industry.

6. Javier Burgos: @javas81

Colourful image of Mortal-Kombat inspired cartoon character

If you love Disney, then give character designer Javier a follow as he’s inspired by all things Disney.

7. Jessica Walsh: @jessicavwalsh

Colourful image of models in front of grid background, composed of primary colours

Jessica Walsh is not only a NYC creative agency founder but an advocate on design and mental health. She is part of one of the few creative agencies around the world that are led by women, have a look through her account if you want to feel inspired.

8. Colour Pallette Cinema: @colourpallette.cinema

Image of movie still from Rocky with  coordinating colour pallette beneath

Explore popular film stills and their colour palettes - this page is all about focusing on the psychology of colour.

9. Studio Binder: @studiobinder

White motif on pink background of Studio Binder logo

Do you want some tips and tricks about film-making? Then this is the page to follow, for filmmaking resources and advice on project management for filmmakers.

10. Sophie Olive Marketing: @sophieolivemarketing

Sophie Olive's marketing logo - pale pink with background image of laptop and plant

With a community of over 8,000 people, follow Sophie to get some free marketing and social media tips! Expand your knowledge on content marketing and social media marketing!

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