
BA (Hons) Photography student Laura Chen was recently selected as one of the New Dutch Photography Talents of 2020 for her ongoing project ‘Words from Dad’. Originally from The Netherlands, Laura moved to the UK for her studies. She’s now in her third year and eagerly working on many freelance projects and aiming to make a name for herself in the creative industry. ‘Words from Dad’ is a body of work that explores Laura’s Chinese heritage. With the use of archival images from her own family albums Laura has traced back her mixed roots through her grandfather’s life stories.
"Last month I received wonderful news: I had been selected as one of the New Dutch Photography Talents of 2020, initiated by GUP magazine (Guide to Unique Photography). I didn’t expect to win a spot on their radar, as I thought it was just one of the many photo competitions I apply for on my weekly search for opportunities. As you can tell, I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a message from them in my inbox!
Since 2005, GUP aims to connect its communities and readers through compelling writing with the most exciting developments in conceptual photography, the latest photo books and events. As a regular reader and consumer of their content, I’m very grateful to have my own work featured on one of their platforms.
New is an annual book and platform bringing 100 upcoming photography talents from The Netherlands to the attention of galleries, museums, commercial and photography agencies, media companies and institutions that work with imagery. With its 420 pages and print run of 3000 copies, the New book is a style Bible for art directors, curators, collectors, photography lovers, and fellow photographers.
For the first time, this year New presents the Dutch Photography Talent of the Year Award. The winner will be chosen from the 100 selected artists and will be announced during the opening of the group exhibition and book launch in December, which will take place at Westergas in Amsterdam.
I’ve just booked my flight tickets to go to The Netherlands for the exhibition opening party on Friday 6 December. Besides that the evening will be a great and fun informal networking opportunity with music and drinks, it will also be a nice moment for me to catch up with my family and friends back home.
During the night, the New Dutch Photography Talent of the Year will be announced. All participants will also be able to pick up their 4 free copies of the internationally distributed book. On the 7th and 8th, the exhibition will be accompanied by a book market organised by GUP and Artibooks and at the end of the final day, I’m invited to take home my printed picture.
As part of the selection process, all chosen talents can benefit from a book mailing to many relevant people and organisations in the photo world and promotion through New’s website and social media. Moreover, they will have their work reviewed by a jury of photo experts, a place in the GUP network, and the possibility to be selected as Haute Talent for HAUTE PHOTOGRAPHIE 2020.
All sounds very promising and I look forward to the three-day event in December! I’m also very excited to see who will be announcement as the Talent of the Year. Fingers crossed!"