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I am starting my final year in BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Promotion , so I thought I’d pass on my top tips to help guide you when starting out on the course.
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there
We all know those induction lectures can be exciting but also very scary. You will meet so many new people. However, don’t be afraid to go up to someone and talk to them. Be the person who initiates the conversation. You’ll thank yourself later for it and most likely become friends with that person. Just remember you are all in the same position and some people may be more nervous than others. All it takes is for that one person to start a conversation.
Work hard - always try and go above and beyond
The more effort and time you put into your work will be reflected in your work. Don’t always stay within the assignment guidelines. Try to add more extra content into your work that is relevant. Not only will this help you to gain extra marks, but it will also help you learn new theories that you’ll use in future assignments and within your future career.
Don't forget to research!
While carrying out each assignment, always take the time to do proper and thorough research. Use multiple reliable sources to gain information online and offline. Utilise the library as there is plenty of useful books that are relevant to the course. You can also book a one to one session with a librarian who will direct you to the right books. Also, make sure to go out and do primary research, such as going to museums or doing questionnaires. Even if you don’t like going to museums, they are worth going to and could influence your work.
Make sure to ask for help
Your tutors are there to help you and have industry experience. If you ever find yourself struggling, then talk to them. They are so supportive and are there to help.
Practise and develop your skills
Throughout your course, you will learn to use multiple creative media softwares. Learning to use these are key skills and will be vital to your future career. Make sure to develop your skills in your own time as being adept on industry-level software will help you with your professional development.
Utilise the University services
If you struggle with writing, there's no need to worry! Birmingham City University has a help centre called the Centre for Academic Success. You can book a one to one session where they give you English writing tips and help with any queries you may have about your writing.
Enjoy it!
My final tip is to make sure you enjoy University and your course. Don’t always stress about work. In my first year, I found myself consumed with my work and never really spent time with friends. So, make sure to find a work-life balance and take time to do other activities such as joining a club or society. Take time to enjoy the whole experience of first year and learn. Good luck all!
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