My first year on a Conductive Education degree


Callum at NICE

Now in the second year of his Conductive Education (CE) degree, we met with Callum to reflect on what he’d learnt and experienced during first year and find out what tips he would give to anyone about to embark on a CE course.

“Back in September, I felt I had a general understanding of Conductive Education (CE) having completed the Level 3 Conductor’s Assistant course a few years ago and working as a CE assistant. Little did I know that the knowledge I had at that point only just scratched the surface!​

“I’m someone who relishes having specialist knowledge and the ability to explain why or how things work to other people. This course has fed that enjoyment in only my first year! Anyone who is passionate about learning would greatly appreciate the depth of knowledge this course has to offer.​

“During this first year, we’ve learned a fair amount about The Conductive Group (a methodological tool and principal of CE) and how we use this to aid the learning of the individual participant. This is not just something to observe within practice placement but something to experience personally as well.

“Each student on the undergraduate degree will experience a unique placement, with unique participants and work alongside unique Conductors. This means coming together as a cohort during lectures provides a fantastic learning experience due to the vast range of experiences that we can bring to the table.​

“Whether you have experience working within SEN environments or with physical disabilities, CE offers a unique perspective. With the focus on success, learning and development, CE creates a sense of pride for the participants we work with (although not without hard work!) As a student Conductor, knowing I’ve had any input towards that pride participants feel – and seeing the beaming smile as a result – is a priceless experience!​”

Tips for a successful first year

  • Read! Read because you can, to get a variety of perspectives, for a greater or clearer understanding, for more knowledge – not just because you need to find a relevant reference!
  • Listen to your Conductors. They have the knowledge. They have the experience. It will all make sense (eventually!)​
  • Get involved. At the beginning this might feel awkward or embarrassing but take a breath and just do it! Let go of your inhibitions because, believe it or not, there is no judgement!​
  • Ask questions. The theory-practice link will always come up. During practice, bring it up. Make the links there and then.​
  • Make notes. These tips are great on their own, but, personally, I know my brain can only hold so much! Read something, make a note. Your Conductor has told you something you didn’t know before, make a note. You felt something after you got involved, make a note. You made a theory-practice link during a session, make a note.

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