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One of the highlights of going to university is being able to access industry-standard facilities. Find out exactly what computing-related kit you’ll use on your course and discover how it will enhance your learning experience.
Firstly, as a Computing student you will want a laptop and if you don’t have your own, don’t worry. At BCU you can hire out a laptop on demand by utilising the largest installation of Lapsafe loan laptops in Europe. Plus, you will have free full access to Microsoft Azure Dev Tools to support your studies. You have the option to sit professional exams in the Pearson Vue Authorised Testing Centre, but you will have to pay for these.
Business Information Technology students can access Oracle APEX to build apps and SAS Software to conduct statistical analysis. This is the most used tool in the commercial analytics market.
Computer Networks students and Computing and Information Technology students can work with the latest industry-standard CISCO routers, switches and firewalls. As well as this, students can take advantage of Packet Tracer Network Simulation Software which allows users to create network topologies and imitate modern computer networks. Plus, as a student you will have 24 hour access to NetLab. This a software which provides you with the fundamental tools for the simulation of theoretically well founded neural network algorithms and related models. All this kit will help you gain expert knowledge and skills industry are looking for.
Networking students will be able to use SDN networking hardware to improve network capabilities, and utilise Virtual Machine Facility which enables full administration, installation and networking of operating systems. Computer Forensics students can also use Virtual Machine Facility.
If you’re a Computer Games Technology student you will be able to use an array of gaming kits from GameCube development, PS3 & PS4 development and Xbox One development. As well as HTC Vice, Oculus Rift CV1, Unity games engine and Unreal engine 4. All of which will let you explore the diverse technological field of gaming.
If the thought of this kit has intrigued you, why not take a look at our facilities gallery to find out more.
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