Professor Gregory Leadbetter


Professor of Poetry, Course Director of the MA in Creative Writing, Director of the Institute of Creative and Critical Writing

School of English

Professor Gregory Leadbetter is a poet and critic. His research focuses on Romantic poetry and thought, the traditions to which these relate, and the history and practice of poetry more generally.

He is the author of two poetry collections, Maskwork (2020) and The Fetch (2016), both with Nine Arches Press, as well as the pamphlet The Body in the Well (HappenStance Press, 2007), and (with photographs by Phil Thomson) Balanuve (Broken Sleep, 2021).

His book Coleridge and the Daemonic Imagination (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) won the University English Book Prize 2012.

As Director of the Institute of Creative and Critical Writing in the School of English, Greg leads our programme of guest seminars and masterclasses with authors, critics, editors, and agents for our students, together with a programme of public literary events every year.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Media Work
Links and Social Media