Becky Howson

Becky has over twenty years of professional experience working internationally across several disciplines; graphic design, fashion communication, textile design and interior design.
Becky is undertaking PhD research in typography letterpress printing and is developing experimental typographic research practice. Recent and ongoing projects include the Letterpress Workers publication, Design Manchester group exhibition, Open_Collab Global and a collaborative project with Patrick Thomas. This extensive professional experience and PhD research directly informs Becky’s teaching. With eighteen years experience in teaching at several HE and FE institutions, Becky is currently working on a part time basis on the BA Graphic Communication and MA Visual Communication programmes in the School of Visual Communication. In 2017, she set up Print Club Birmingham, an experimental print workshop to encourage collaborative and explorative ways to approach Graphic Communication. Print Club Birmingham now sees projects with different colleges, universities and industry professionals such as Anthony Burrill, Malcolm Garrett, The Print Project, Extinction Rebellion, Print Club Torino, Patrick Thomas and Birmingham Design Festival.
Becky is a member of the Letterpress Workers, an international group committed to working with and in traditional typesetting and printing methods, participating in an annual summit and exhibitions. Becky has recently presented papers at MakeReady2020, an international letterpress educators conference and the Valencia Design Educators Forum 2020, and enjoying sharing experiences and practices within a community of designers, printers, typographers, creatives, educators, colleagues and students.