Office for Students Proceed Data

This page contains a series of outputs that report Projected Completion and Employment from Entrant Data (Proceed), provided by the Office for Students. The completion rate is a projection of the likelihood of students who start a course in a subject completing it. It is based on the patterns of student retention and completion observed in one year using the most recently available student data. The professional employment or further study rate covers the percentage of completing students achieving a positive outcome, which means they are in professional employment, or going on to further study, or other outcomes that may be positive for the individual. For both measures, a higher percentage indicates a greater achievement. Find out more

78% Completion

81% Professional Employment
or Further Study rate

Projected Completion and Employment from Entrant Data

  • Proceed rates, by provider

  • Proceed rates, by subject within provider

  • Proceed rates, by subject (sector)

  • Projected completion for UK-domiciled full-time first degree 2018-19 starters, by provider

  • Destinations of UK-domiciled full-time first degree 2017-18 qualifiers, by provider

  • Projected completion for UK-domiciled full-time first degree 2018-19 starters, by subject within provider

  • Destinations of UK-domiciled full-time first degree 2017-18 qualifiers, by subject within provider

  • Projected completion for UK-domiciled full-time first degree 2018-19 starters, by subject (sector)

  • Destinations of UK-domiciled full-time first degree 2017-18 qualifiers, by subject (sector)