Dr. Lisa Metherell

Lisa Metherall

Senior Lecturer in Art and Design

Birmingham School of Art

Lisa holds a B.Soc.Sci. in Media, Culture and Society, an M.A. in Fine Art and a Ph.D. in Art and Design. Lisa is an artist and lecturer specialising in the relationship between practice and theory within Art and Design.  Her funded research through art practice PhD: ‘Glittering Orientations: Towards a non-figurative queer art practice’, was completed in April 2014.   Lisa is currently directing her attention to what slips by exploring (dis)orientation and how we might experience provisional embodiments through encounters with non-representational art. Her work is particularly informed by the tensions between queer theory and phenomenology and how what we 'know' might be usefully troubled by what we 'feel'. Other interests include fabulation, secret languages, vulnerability and critical design. She also writes about werewolves.
