Business and innovation

We aim to develop and enhance new and existing partnerships with the NHS and other health and social care sectors, providing ongoing support for business, innovation and enterprise development.

Find out about some of our current partnerships, initiatives and bespoke courses, and how you can benefit or get involved.

Accredited Courses and Modules

Our Continuing Professional Development courses can benefit your workforce.
CPD courses >>

Allied - Business and innovation - E-learning

Flexible Work-based Learning

Find out how you can bring your course to us and work towards university credits.
Work-based learning >>

Allied - Business and innovation - KTPs

Short Courses and Workshops

Short courses and workshops for your personal development

Short courses >>

Health partners

Current Partners and Partnership Opportunities

Our specialist units and partners showcasing their expertise.
Partnerships >>


Consultancy and Endorsements

A way of sharing knowledge and skills and how your course can be endorsed by us.
Consultancy >>

Seacole facilities

Products and

See how our products and facilities can benefit you.

Facilities >>