CEBE international student buddies brighten 2016

Student Life Last updated 21 December 2016

Bull light

A visit to the Magical Lantern event at Birmingham Botanical Gardens was the last event of this year for the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment (CEBE) international students by the CEBE International Student Buddy scheme. 55 CEBE students had the chance to interact with other nationalities while admiring a mesmerising exposition of light and colour in the 15-acres of Chinese lantern display.

Engineering Courses

Birmingham City University

Our CEBE international students got to see some of the most artistic and beautifully constructed lantern installations outside of China. The lanterns represent and celebrate Christmas and Chinese culture and heritage. Even the most famous modern landmark of Birmingham, the Bullring’s bronze bull, was present in lantern form. The international experience continued with a range of international food and beverage vendors and original festival merchandise.

What’s next for the International Student Buddies?

It’s time to get down to business. 2017 brings us fresh new international students to help integrate in Birmingham City University life with a new set of events such as: 3 day national movie and games session, Chinese New Year celebration, cultural exchange experience with music, food and presentations.

Furthermore, informative drop in sessions with regards to jobs, crucial locations, cultural differences, the Students’ Union, the university style lecture and assessments are offered to any CEBE international student interested in the subject.

Have you got a suggestion for an event or something you need to be more informed about? Contact us. The International Student Buddy team is more than happy to help.


For further details email Niky

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