Staging the Artwork 2
ARTicle Gallery
School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, B1 3BX
Free entry. Please check opening times before visiting.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 10am - 6pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm

Staging the Artwork 2 looks primarily at the artist’s exploration of theatricality within their work.
The exhibition includes a newly commissioned performance/play, by Amelia Beavis-Harrison. 'If You Haven’t Been Announced, Don’t Come In!' is a contemporised narrative based on the final work of Russian poet and playwright, 'The Bathhouse' by Vladimir Mayakovsky’. 'The Bathhouse' openly ridiculed the post-Revolutionary, Socialist Party administration, using the principle of The Emperor’s New Clothes.
Both plays criticise the problematics of bureaucratic states, with Beavis-Harrison’s version looking to recent political content, such as the current Conservative Government, and the Financial Crash.
The sculptural works of Lisa Selby are formally considerate, ordered and very controlled in terms of their narrative content. The work is a combination of construction with found and repeated objects, and deliberates in composed and structured language, in order to trigger a narrative of events.
The exhibition is open from Wednesday 11 November to Wednesday 16 December 2015 at the ARTicle Gallery, based within the Birmingham School of Art.