Borrowing, renewing and returning

Our auto renewals will renew your items on loan for a further two weeks, unless:

  • They have been reserved by another user 
  • They are orchestral sets or other performance material
  • They are Inter-Library Loans
  • They are Laptops

One week prior to their current due date, you will receive an auto renewal notification sent to your BCU email address informing you if there are items which cannot be renewed. Please be aware that if you do not return a book which has been requested/recalled by the due date then you may also be blocked from renewing other loans on your account until it is returned.

Auto renewals will not take place if your borrowing rights have been blocked because an item already on loan to you is 28 days or more overdue.

How else can I renew items?

Visit Library Search to renew your items online

Library Search

When renewing an item online you will need to sign-in to Library Search using your university email address and password.

You can also renew items using our self-service kiosks, alternatively you can telephone our libraries.

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