Services for disabled users

A wheelchair user discusses work with colleague

We aim to offer a fair, appropriate and impartial level of service for users with any kind of disability.

Accessibility Information

How do I register my disability with you?

We work closely with the University’s Disability Support Team. Please get in touch with them first, they will then let us know and we can meet with you to highlight the enhanced services you require.

You can get in touch with the Disability Support Team in the following ways:

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What kind of support does the library offer?

Bookable study rooms

At Curzon and Mary Seacole libraries we have dedicated study rooms for users who have been identified by Student Affairs as needing a secure and accessible space. To book these rooms, please speak to the Library Experience Team online during BCU-staffed chat hours (9am - 6pm Monday-Friday) or use the online booking system (the "accessible room" drop-down location option).

Please note: the online booking system requires staff mediation to check that you have access to this room before confirming your booking. If you require short-notice access to this room, please contact us online.

Other facilities

  • Half price printing and photocopying 
  • Library tours
  • Height-adjustable tables - there is an adjustable table in the Curzon Library accessible study room (C117).
  • Library publications may be available in alternative formats. Please contact Student Affairs for further information.
  • The option of printing or photocopying on buff or coloured paper.
  • Coloured intuitive overlays.
  • A colour adjustable lamp is available at Curzon and Mary Seacole Libraries.
  • Hearing Loops at our service points.
  • Book retrieval.
  • Assistive software on open access PCs. This should include:
    • ClaroRead (Text-to-Speech software) - please log a request with IT help if this is not on the machine you are using
    • Inspiration or MindGenius (Mind-Mapping software) - please log a request with IT help to use either of these pieces of software
    • ZoomText Magnifier (Screen Magnification)

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How accessible are your libraries?

  • Curzon Library, City Centre Campus: The main entrance to the library is on the ground floor with lifts providing access to the first floor of the library.
  • Mary Seacole Library, City South: The library is located entirely on the ground floor.
  • School of Art Library, Margaret Street: All levels are wheelchair accessible via lifts. The library is located on the ground and first floor. 
  • School of Jewellery Library, St Paul's Square: All levels are wheelchair accessible via lifts. The library is located on the first floor.

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