Dr Anita J Hughes

Anita Hughes

Post-Doctoral Research Assistant


Anita completed an Undergraduate degree in Psychology; a Master's in Health Services Research; and a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham. Prior to starting at BCU, she has worked as a researcher in the MRC Institute for Hearing Research, and a research fellow within the Midwifery Division of the University of Nottingham. Her work has covered maternal, child and family health and development.

Anita’s research has utilised quantitative and qualitative methods, including conducting systematic reviews, and has predominantly focused on maternity and infant care. Research areas have included: the support needs of midwifery staff and students; the needs and experiences of parents through pregnancy and the transition to parenthood; and complex pregnancy/birth and infant development with the focus on early intervention work with families. Her PhD involved development of an intervention to enhance the motor development of preterm infants, using a randomised controlled trial.

Anita’s research has been published in Midwifery, Nursing and Pediatric Journals, and presented at a number of national and international conferences.

Anita has been involved in teaching sessions on all aspects of the research process, from designing a study through to dissemination, incorporating qualitative and quantitative methods, and completing a dissertation/PhD.

In addition, she has taught study skills, including searching for literature and drug dosage calculation; psychosocial aspects of health; medicalisation of childbirth; supervised undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students; and PhD supervision.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
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