Skills Practice and Care Enhancement

SPACE is an innovative practice area all students can access outside of lecture time to use equipment and resources to practise a wide range of skills in a safe, welcoming and supportive environment.

It provides students with a creative learning environment to get an excellent educational experience before becoming a health care professional.

There are over 100 skills procedures students can use to practise at their own pace in preparation for assessment or placement. SPACE is tailored to meet the health practice needs of all students across the faculty.

Within SPACE there are practical workstations and labelled trays containing various consumables and equipment. There are a variety of manikins and a ward area, complete with a hospital bed and cot. Additionally, there is a Dementia friendly ward and resource area, and a home environment/consultation space.

Students in SPACE have access to state of the art equipment including Sim Man, Paediatric Hal, iSimulate and resources including a range of anatomical models, posters and an articulated skeleton. 

Joshua Oakes
3rd Year Adult Nursing Student

Skills that can be practised include:

  • Blood pressure
  • Injection technique
  • Catheterisation
  • Observations and assessments
  • Urinalysis
  • Passing a naso gastric tube
  • Aseptic non-touch technique
  • Basic and advanced life support
  • Intubation
  • Intravenous cannulation
  • Abdominal examination
  • Mechanisms of labour
  • Breech birth and Shoulder Dystocia
  • Gloving and gowning
  • Surgical instrumentation
  • Dysphagia swallowing screen and many more.


Quotes from students who use SPACE

SPACE has transformed my learning experience in a way I thought could not be possible! It has enabled me to take charge of my own learning, which is what studying at university is all about.

I realised that I do not practice enough when on placement … sometimes on placement certain skills don’t get used e.g. manual blood pressure, SPACE gave me an opportunity to practice these skills and to keep myself up to date.

Overall I believe it is an excellent opportunity for students to gain confidence in their skills to achieve safe practice (One Happy Student).

The clinical skills procedures take you through step by step … this has been really valuable as they are really easy to follow and it has meant I can learn at my own pace.

Very useful to practise, having more time than in lessons and without the audience and a full classroom.

It’s wonderful to be able to practise with colleagues and build our confidence.

I felt that it was a friendly environment where I could practice my skills. The staff were really nice and helpful.

Very helpful, informal environment, staff lovely and very approachable, great resources.

Current students

Open Monday - Friday
10am - 4pm

Booking required via Moodle
Harborne Road

0121 202 4524

Visit SPACE Moodle page
Skills Procedures and further information