Current research projects
- What are the clinical perceptions of psychological formulation within Non-acute Inpatient Services (NAIPS)?
- Mental Health and well-being of postgraduate researchers
- Use of facial recognition technology to understand interpersonal communication
Bawadi, H. A. Al-Hamdan, Z. M. Nabolsi, M. Abu-Moghli, F. Zumot, A. Walsh, A (2019). "Jordanian Nursing Student and Instructor Perceptions of the Clinical Learning Environment." International Journal of Nurse Education Scholarsh 16(1)
Clarke V. and Walsh A. Editors (2009), Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Jenkins, C. and Walsh, A. (2011) Use of Blended E-Learning Resources in Higher Education: An Innovation From Health Care Training. Chapter in Wankel, C.; Law, J.S (ed) (2011) Streaming Media in Higher Education, Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Mackenzie, N. and Walsh, A. (2009) Enhancing the Curriculum: Shareable Multimedia Learning Objects Journal of Systems and Information Technology Vol 11(1) pp 71 – 83.
Walsh, A. (2015) The effect of social interaction on mental health nurse student learning. Nurse Education in Practice, 15, 7-12
Walsh, A (2015) Are new mental health nurses prepared for practice? Mental Health Review Journal, 20, 2, 2015
Recent Conferences
Armstrong, T. Dakka, F. Walsh, A. (2019) Space, Time and Everyday Life and the Mental Health and Well-Being of Postgraduate Researchers. Society for Research into Higher Education, Annual Research Conference,11-13th December 2019, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales.
Cui, V. Geary, S. O'Leary, M. Pressick, I. Turville, N. Walsh, A. (2018) Improving learning through student-staff collaborative observation. CAN 2018: Championing student-staff partnership in an age of change: University of Winchester
Walsh, A. (2018), Family perceptions about the needs of people with enduring mental health problems within an in-patient setting Horatio European 10-12th May 2018 Faroe Islands Conference
Walsh, A. (2016) Using a Community of Practice approach to understand collaborative knowledge development amongst mental health nurse students and practitioners 5th Conference on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-Speaking Countries. 6th -8th June 2016: Nursing School of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal