Nina Shamaris
Nina is currently a Senior Lecturer in Adult nursing and her main module she leads on Leadership and Decision-Making/Research Based Leadership and Decision-Making Adult Nursing within the third/fourth year.
She is passionate about teaching students to transfer skills from theory into practice and making that difference within the NHS. Leadership, decision making, team working and rationalisation are just some of the vital skills that are acquired through this module helping the students make this transition as a newly qualified nurse. Nina qualified in 2007 from BCU (Then UCE) as an Adult Nurse. Her first job was a Theatre Nurse and therefore gained experience in surgical nursing both in theatre and on a busy surgical ward/unit.
Nina has also specialised in Prison Nursing as a Senior Nurse (Band 6) and this involved looking at the patient from their physical requirements through to mental health. This was a very challenging role dealing with some extreme complex cases whilst running a large nursing team.
She has a vast amount of experience in many different areas of nursing and feel that dealing with these cases helps infuse her passion of nursing onto the students in order to help deliver full holistic care.