Kathy Kinmond

Chartered Psychologist
Kathy is a Chartered Psychologist, Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist, she is also accredited by BSCAH having completed the BSCAH/Staffordshire University course in Clinical Hypnosis.
She has been an academic in Higher education for over 25 years, during which time she has been module leader for several UG modules, programme leader for the MRes; experienced supervisor at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, supervising 4 MA by research, 1 MPhil and 5 PhD projects and also Chair of two Faculty committees. She currently lectures part time on the BSCAH/BCU Clinical hypnosis course at level 6 and 7 and also for the College of Osteopaths/Staffs University teaching research methods at level 5,6 & 7.
She has always been an active researcher recently being co-applicant in a £1.2 million grant from NIHR to develop a tool for people living with COPD. She was also qualitative lead in a £1 million NIHR funded project evaluating a service for patients with heart conditions. Other research is in the
field of abuse, specifically, spiritual abuse. She has publications in both health and abuse.
She has been a member of the NHS HRA REC since 2005; chairing the South Staffordshire and Staffordshire REC between 2007 and 2013. She is currently Vice Chair of South Birmingham committee and Chair of Education Committee for BSCAH.