Claire Wilcox-Tolley

Acting Joint Course Lead BSc (Hons) Nursing, Senior Teaching Fellow
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- 0121 331 6020
Claire is an experienced Senior Teaching Fellow in Adult Nursing with a demonstrated history of working in higher education. She is skilled in Adult nursing, Healthcare Management, Patient Safety and Project Management, having a successful employment history in senior clinical nursing roles.
Claire qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1991 and commenced her nursing career within an Intensive Care Unit. After a few years, moving up to Ward Sister level, she took the opportunity to set up and manage a Vascular High Dependency Unit where she worked for five years. Following this she moved back into Intensive Care and utilised her management skills as a Ward Sister.
Soon after she took a secondment opportunity into the post of Colorectal / stoma care sister, where she undertook her BSc in Oncology. The secondment became a full time position as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, where she stayed in post for five years until she transferred her skills into the post of a Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist in Breast Cancer Care. She worked in this post, advancing the nursing service for five years.
Clinical teaching has always been a pivotal part of her role, therefore her next career move was into a full time educational post within a teaching hospital. Taking the post of Trust Lead for Inter professional education, she developed Inter professional learning opportunities across the Trust to include undergraduate students of disciplines such as medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics and pharmacy.
Her career naturally progressed into a full time academic role as she believes that nurse education is where her personal and professional values can have the greatest impact away from the clinical area. Claire has a Master's degree in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and has been in her current role since January 2013.
She is currently undertaking the role of Acting Joint Course Lead for BSc (Hons) Nursing whilst being the Module Convener for a final academic module – Transition to Qualified Practitioner NUR6045, Adult Nursing.