Steven Jeffery
Steven Jeffery joined the Royal Army Medical Corps as a medical student in 1986. He qualified from the Universities of St Andrews and Manchester in 1989, and served as a Medical Officer with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders before completing his basic surgical training, becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and of Glasgow. He completed three operational tours of duty in Northern Ireland during this time.
He developed an interest in burns and other soft tissue injuries, and soon realised that the best way to pursue this interest would be via plastic surgery. He completed his plastic surgical training in East Grinstead, Newcastle and Perth, Western Australia before getting his first consultant job in Newcastle in 2003.
In 2007 the numbers of casualties coming back from conflicts abroad rapidly rose, and Selly Oak Hospital struggled to cope with the large numbers of casualties. Steve moved to Birmingham to be the first military plastic surgeon in the city, as well as to be part of the burns team there. He also completed three tours of Afghanistan during this time.
In recognition of his contribution to developing the military plastic surgery medical and nursing teams, Steve was awarded the Military Civilian Partnership Award for 'Regular of the Year' in 2011, as well as receiving the Wounds UK ‘Key Contribution’ award and the Smith and Nephew 'Customer Pioneer of the Year' award the same year.
Steve is a Patron of the Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust Charity, and has been awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England ad eundem. He is an expert adviser to NICE Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme. In 2011 he co-founded the Woundcare 4 Heroes charity, which is already making a big difference to the wound care of both serving and veteran personnel.
Areas of Expertise
- Wounds
- Burns
- Trauma
- Surgery
- BSc
- F.R.C.S. (Plast) MEd
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- College Assessor for the Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Examiner, Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Plastic Surgery
- Member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
MSc Wound Healing and Tissue Repair
- Wound healing
- Diagnosis
Journal Papers
- Jeffery SLA. Complications following correction of prominent ears: an audit of 122 cases. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 52; 7:588-590 1999
- Jeffery SLA, Pickford MA. Use of the homodigital adipofascial turnover flap for dorsal cover of distal interphalangeal joint defects. Journal of Hand Surgery 24B: 2; 241-244 1999
- Jeffery SLA, Cubison TCS, Greenaway C, Gilbert PM, Parkhouse N. Warming milk: a preventable cause of scalds in children. British Medical Journal 320; 235 2000
- Jeffery SLA, Boorman JG. Left or Right hand dominance in Cleft patients. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 53; 6: 477-478 2000
- Jeffery SLA, Lewis JS. Malignant Melanoma and hormone replacement therapy. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 53; 6: 539 2000
- Jeffery SLA, Boorman JG, Dive DC. Use of cartilage grafts for closure of cleft palate fistulae. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 53; 7: 551-554 2000
- Jeffery SLA, Boorman JG. Patient and parent satisfaction with cleft services in a regional centre. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 54; 3:189-191 2001
- Jeffery SLA, Boorman JG. Audit of patient satisfaction with cleft services in a regional centre. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 46; 6: 370 2001 (Published abstract)
- Jeffery SL, Belcher HJ. Use of Arnica to relieve pain after carpal tunnel release surgery. Alternative therapies in health & medicine. 8(2): 66-8, 2002
- Jeffery SLA, Smith RW. Free tissue breast reconstruction in the elderly. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surg 36 (2): 112-3, 2002
- Jeffery SLA, Blakeway MS, Wood F. Site-specific keratinocytes for burns of the palms. Journal of Hand Surgery 28B Suppl 1: 39, 2003 (Published abstract)
- Sprowson AP, Jeffery SLA, Black MJM. Darier’s Disease, an unusual problem and solution. Journal of Hand Surgery 29B: 3: 291-293 2004
- Jeffery SLA, Stannard A, Cubison TCS. Tisseel Fibrin Sealant for skin graft application in burns. Journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland 3 (3): S111, 2005 (Published abstract)
- Jeffery SLA, Cubison TCS. Versajet, Hydrosurgery for paediatric burn debridement. Journal of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland 3 (3): S112, 2005 (Published abstract)
- Cubison TC, Pape SA, Jeffery SLA. Dermal Preservation using the Versajet hydrosurgery system for debridement of paediatric burns. Burns 2006: 32; 714-20
- Collin T, Jeffery S, Reid C. Bath water scalds in Children and thermostatic mixer valves. Burns 2006; 32; 909-912
- Al-Benna S, Collin TW, Spalding L, Jeffery S. National variations in dressings and antibiotic prophylaxis in paediatric scalds (Letter to the editor). Burns 2006; 33: 798-799
- TCS Cubison, SLA Jeffery. Versajet® Hydrosurgery for paediatric burn debridement. Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service 2006; 92: 15-16
- SLA Jeffery. Versajet hydrosurgery in burns wound debridement (Letter to the editor). Burns 2007; 33: 800
- Al-Benna S, Collin TW, Jeffery SL. Adverse reactions to wound dressings: a financial incendiary. Plast Reconstr Surg 2007; 119: 1634
- Jeffery SL. Device related tangentional excision in burns. Injury 2007: S35-8
- Ramasamy A, Jeffery SL. The use of a dermal regeneration template following excision of a giant melanocytic nevus in a potential Army recruit. Mil Med 2008; 173: 105-6
- MacFie CC, Jeffery SL. Diagnosis of vascular lesions in children: an audit and review. Pediatr. Dermatol. 2008; 25: 7-12
- Miranda BH, Ali SN, Jeffery SL, Thomas SS. Two stage study of wound microorganisms affecting burns and plastic surgery inpatients. J Burn Care Res. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):927-32.
- Jeffery SLA. Advanced wound therapies in the management of severe military lower limb trauma: a new perspective. Eplasty 2009; 21: e28
- Jeffery SLA. Current Burn Wound Management. Trauma 2009: 11: 241-248
- Fenton P, Bali N, Sargeant I, Jeffery SL. A complication of the use of an intra-osseous needle. J R Army Med Corps. 2009 Jun;155(2):110-1.
- Alrawi MF, Jeffery S. The surgical challenge of giant circumferential congenital naevi of the extremities: a 13-year follow-up of two cases. Eur J Plast Surg. 2009; 6: 309-313.
- Taylor CJ, Hettiaratchy S, Jeffery SL, Evriviades D, Kay AR. Contemporary approaches to definitive extremity reconstruction of military wounds. J R Army Med Corps. 2009 Dec; 155(4):302-7.
- Taylor C, Jeffery SLA. Management of military wounds in the modern era. Wounds UK 2009; 5: 50-58.
- St Mart JP, Jeffery S, Clark J. Using negative pressure wound therapy to manage severe military trauma wounds. Wounds UK 2009: 5, 56-64.
- Clasper JC, Standley D, Heppell S, Jeffery S, Parker PJ. Limb compartment syndrome and fasciotomy. JR Army Med Corps 2009, 155: 298-301
- Hankin E, Jeffery S. Challenges of treating modern military trauma wounds. Wounds UK 2010; 6: 47-54
- Russell F, Jeffery S. Use of Renasys™ Gauze and Port to simplify negative pressure dressing techniques. Wounds UK 2010: 6; 125-130.
- Sharma VP, O’Boyle CP, Jeffery SL. Man or Machine? The Clinimetric Properties of Laser Doppler Imaging in Burn Depth Assessment. J Burn Care Res. 2010.
- Evriviades D, Jeffery S, Cubison T, Lawton G, Gill M, Mortiboy D. Shaping the military wound: issues surrounding the reconstruction of injured servicemen at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2011 Jan 27;366(1562):219-230.
- Fries CA, Jeffery SL, Kay AR. Topical negative pressure and military wounds-A review of the evidence. Injury. 2011; 42:436-440.
- J Penn-Barwell, C Fries, L Street, S Goonewardene, S Jeffery. Use of Topical Negative Pressure Therapy in patients with High energy combat wounds – a case series. JBJS 2011; 93; 51-52
- Staruch R, Jeffery S. Variable topical negative pressure therapy for wound care. Wounds UK. 2011: 7; 26-33.
- Foster MA, Moledina J, Jeffery SL. Epidemiology of U.K. military burns. J Burn Care Res. 2011;32(3):415-20.
- Runkel N, Krug E, Berg L, C, Hudson D, Birke-Sorensen H, Depoorter M, Dunn R, Jeffery S, Duteille F, Bruhin A, Caravaggi C, Chariker M, Dowsett C, Ferreira F, Martínez JM, Grudzien G, Ichioka S, Ingemansson R, Malmsjo M, Rome P, Vig S, Martin R, Smith J; Evidence-based recommendations for the use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in traumatic wounds and reconstructive surgery: steps towards an international consensus. Injury. 2011;42: S1-12.
- Penn-Barwell JG, Fries CA, Street L, Jeffery S. Use of topical negative pressure in British servicemen with combat wounds. ePlasty. 2011; 11, e35.
- Foong DPS, Jose RM, Jeffery S, Titley OG. Fasciotomy: A call for proper placement. The Surgeon. 2011. 9; 249-254
- Birke-Sorensen H, Malmsjo M, Rome P, Hudson D, Krug E, Berg L, Bruhin A, Caravaggi C, Chariker M, Depoorter M, Dowsett C, Dunn R, Duteille F, Ferreira F, Martínez JM, Grudzien G, Ichioka S, Ingemansson R, Jeffery S, Lee C, Vig S, Runkel N, Martin R, Smith J. Evidence-based recommendations for negative pressure wound therapy: Treatment variables (pressure levels, wound filler and contact layer) - Steps towards an international consensus. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2011: 64; Suppl:S1-16
- Trull B, Hearn M, Jeffery S. Residual limb hyperhidrosis: use of botulinum-A toxin to improve prosthesis fit and function. Wounds UK 2011; 7, 92-97
- Taylor CJ, Chester DL, Jeffery SL. Functional splinting of upper limb injuries with gauze-based topical negative pressure wound therapy. J Hand Surg Am. 2011 Nov;36(11):1848-51
- Vig S, Dowsett C, Berg L, Caravaggi C, Rome P, Birke-Sorensen H, Bruhin A, Chariker M, Depoorter M, Dunn R, Duteille F, Ferreira F, Martínez JM, Grudzien G, Hudson D, Ichioka S, Ingemansson R, Jeffery S, Krug E, Lee C, Malmsjo M, Runkel N; International Expert Panel on Negative Pressure Wound Therapy [NPWT-EP], Martin R, Smith J. Evidence-based recommendations for the use of negative pressure wound therapy in chronic wounds: steps towards an international consensus. J Tissue Viability. 2011 Dec;20 Suppl 1:S1-18
- Brazier A, Sheena Y, Jeffery SLA. Burn surgery and blood loss – a review. Trauma 2012: 14; 108-120
- Duteille F, Jeffery SL. A phase II prospective, non-comparative assessment of a new silver sodium carboxymethylcellulose (AQUACEL(®) Ag BURN) glove in the management of partial thickness hand burns. Burns 2012; 38: 1041-50
- Long VS. Jeffery SLA. Using topical negative pressure in a military field hospital. Wounds UK 2012, 8: 244-245
- SLA Jeffery. Best of both worlds: combining the benefits of NPWT and instillation therapy. Journal of Wound Care 2012: S1, 3-10.
- White R, Jeffery S. The hierarchy of evidence: is wound care generalizable? BJN 2012: 21; S3.
- Edwards T, North D, SLA Jeffery. First Aid management of burns – time for clarity. Fire Times 2012 Sept 24-25.
- Fries A, Jeffery S. Hand fasciotomies in military trauma – a case series. JBJS 2012: 94; 7.
- J Clasper, D Standley, S Heppell, S Jeffery, PJ Parker. The use of compression bandaging in fasciotomy wounds. Wounds 2012:8; 89.
- Sharma VP, Souied A, Khanna A, Rashid A, Jeffery SLA. The solution to pollution may not be dilution: A paediatric burn from accidental fingernail glue spillage. Trauma 2013; 15: 76.
- Guyver PM, Mountain AJC, Jeffery SLA. Application of topical negative pressure for traumatic amputations. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2013: 95 (3); 226-7
- Jeffery SLA. Exudate monitoring in traumatic wounds. Wounds UK 2013: 9; 40-44.
- JM Savage, SLA Jeffery. Use of 3D photography in complex-wound assessment. Journal of Wound Care 2013: 22 (3), 156-160
- McCarver S, Jeffery SLA. Technical tip: removal of tungsten carbide rings
- Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 2013: 159 (1), 64-64
- KH Hanna, SLA Jeffery. Radial forearm flaps as durable soft tissue coverage for local nationals being treated in the field hospital setting. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 2013: 159 (1), 21-23
- Foong DP, Evriviades D, Jeffery SL. Integra™ permits early durable coverage of improvised explosive device (IED) amputation stumps. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013
- Jeffery S. Wound imaging: from Waterloo to tomorrow. British Journal of Nursing 2013 23 (Sup15), S3-S3
- Jackson PC, Foster M, Fries A, Jeffery SL. Military trauma care in Birmingham: Observational study of care requirements and resources utilisation. Injury 2014; 45: 44-49
- Fries CA, Ayalew Y, Jeffery SLA, Penn-Barwell JG, Porter K, Midwinter MJ. Prospective randomised controlled trial of nanocrystalline silver dressing versus plain gauze as the initial post-debridement management of military wounds on wound microbiology and healing. Injury 2014: 45; 1111-1116.
- Yim GH, Clark M, Gray D, Stephen-Haynes J, Jeffery SL. The hazards of dynamic airflow mattresses and overlays. Burns 2014: 40; 782-3.
- Arul GS, Sonka BJ, Lundy JB, Rickard RF, Jeffery SL. Management of complex abdominal wall defects associated with penetrating abdominal trauma. J R Army Med Corps 2014
- Hoeksema H, Baker RD, Holland AJ, Perry T, Jeffery SL, Verbelen J, Monstrey S. A new, fast LDI for assessment of burns: A multi-centre clinical evaluation. Burns 40; 1274-1282 2014.
- Jeffery SL Non-adherent and flexible -using Cutimed Sorbact as a filler and liner with NPWT. J Wound Care. 2014; 23: S3-1
- Yim GH, Ahmad Z, Jeffery SL. The WoundWand and Its Novel Use in Burn Excision Surgery. Eplasty. 2015 Jan 8;15:e1
- S Jeffery. Fractional CO2 laser therapy: A paradigm shift in managing burns and scarring. Trauma 2015: 17 (3), 163-165
- White R, Jeffery S, Elstone A, Cutting K. Sepsis and chronic wounds: the extent of the issue and what we should we be aware of. Wounds UK 2015; 11: 15-22.
- Staruch RM, Jackson PC, Hodson J, Yim G, Foster MA, Cubison T, Jeffery SL. Comparing the surgical timelines of military and civilians traumatic lower limb amputations. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2016 Feb 15; 6:81-6.
- Jeffery SL. The Management of Combat Wounds: The British Military Experience. Adv Wound Care 2016 Oct 1;5(10):464-473.
- Worrell RL, Jeffery S. Survey of Attitudes to Self-Harm Patients Within a Burns and Plastic Surgery Department. JBCR 2017; 38 (1), e200-e203.
- Assadian O, Hämmerle G, Lahnsteiner E, Simon D, Antunes JNP, von Hallern B, Pilcher M, Price J, Boulton Z, Hunt S, Jeffery S. Facilitating wound bed preparation: properties and clinical efficacy of octenidine and octenidine-based products in modern wound management. Journal of Wound Care. 2016, 25 (Sup3):S1. DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2016.25.Sup3.S1
- Johnstone P, Sheng-Sun Kwei J, Filobbos G, Lewis D, Jeffery S. Successful application of keratinocyte suspension using autologous fibrin spray. Burns 2017. 43 (3) e27-30.
- Page F, Hamnett N, D'Asta F, Jeffery S. Epidemiology of U.K. Military Burns 2008-2013. J Burn Care Res. 2017; 38 (1), e269-e276.
- O Pujji, E Farrar, S Jeffery. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy to the Dura. Journal of Burn Care & Research 2017
- E Blumenthal, S Jeffery. The Use of the MolecuLight i: X in Managing Burns: A Pilot Study. Burns 2017.
- E Farrar, O Pujji, S Jeffery. Three-dimensional wound mapping software compared to expert opinion in determining wound area. Burns 2017 43(8):1736-1741.
- Pujji O, Nizar B, Bechar J, North D, Jeffery S. Burns Centre and fire services: What information can be exchanged to manage the burn patient? Burns 2017
- Blackshaw EL, Jeffery SLA. Efficacy of an imaging device at identifying the presence of bacteria in wounds at a plastic surgery outpatients clinic. J Wound Care. 2018 Jan 2;27(1):20-26
- Jeffery S, Leaper D, Armstrong D, Lantis J. Using negative pressure wound therapy to prevent surgical site infection. J Wound Care. 2018 Mar 1;27(Sup3):S5-S13.
- Pujji O, Jeffery S. Safe burn excision prior to military repatriation: an achievable goal? J R Army Med Corps 2018; 164(5):358-359
- E Blumenthal, S Jeffery. Autofluorescence Imaging for Evaluating Debridement in Military and Trauma Wounds. Military Medicine. Volume 183, Issue suppl_1, 1 March 2018, Pages 429–432.
- J Stephen-Haynes, L Toner, S Jeffery. Product evaluation of an absorbent, antimicrobial, haemostatic dressing. British Journal of Nursing 27 (6), S24-S30
- P Kulkarni, S Jeffery. The effects of the use of Diphoterine® solution on chemical burns in the Tarapur industrial complex, India. Burns Open 2018: 2 (2), 104-107
- Mayer D, Armstrong D, Schultz G, Percival S, Malone M, Romanelli M, Keast D, Jeffery S. Cell salvage in acute and chronic wounds: a potential treatment strategy. Experimental data and early clinical results. J Wound Care. 2018 Sep 2;27(9):594-605.
- Loo YW, Haider S, Lim PY, Jeffery S. Predictor of the depth of burn injuries: A time-temperature relationship. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention 5(11): 4119-4128, 2018
- Jeffery S. Bespoke dressings for discerning practitioners. Br J Nurs. 2018 Nov 8;27(20):S4.
- Jeffery S. The use of an antimicrobial primary wound contact layer as liner and filler with NPWT. J Wound Care. 2018 Aug 1;23(Sup8):S3-S14
- Costa ML, Achten J, Bruce J, Davis S, Hennings S, Willett K, et al. Negative-pressure wound therapy versus standard dressings for adults with an open lower limb fracture: the WOLLF RCT. Health Technol Assess 2018;22(73).
- Loo YL, Goh BKL, Jeffery S. An Overview of the Use of Bromelain-Based Enzymatic Debridement (Nexobrid®) in Deep Partial and Full Thickness Burns: Appraising the Evidence. J Burn Care Res. 2018 Oct 23;39(6):932-938.
- Alam K, Jeffery SLA. Acellular Fish Skin Grafts for Management of Split Thickness Donor Sites and Partial Thickness Burns: A Case Series. Military Medicine 2019, 184:16-20.
- Henry N, Radotra I, Jeffery S. Properties and use of a honey dressing and gel in wound management. Br J Nurs. 2019: 28; S30-S35.
- Pujji OJS, Nakarmi KK, Basudha S, Rai SM, Jeffery SLA.The bacteriological Profile of burn wound infections at a Tertiary Burns Centre in Nepal. J Burn Care Res. 2019
- Farhan N, Jeffery S. Utility of MolecuLight i:X for managing bacterial burden in paediatric burns. J Burn Care Res. 2019
- Yim GH, Ojas A, Pujji JS, Bharj IS, Farrara E, Jeffery SLA. The value of a bariatric specific chart to initiate resuscitation of adult bariatric burns. Burns 2019.
- Berry J, Ashley J, Jeffery S. Ophthalmological evaluation of facial burns in a regional burns centre. Burns 2020 46: 970-973.
- Henry, N., Icot, R., Jeffery, S. The benefits of latex-free gloves in the operating room environment. British Journal of Nursing 2020 29(10), pp. 570-576.
- Farhan, N.; Jeffery, S. Diagnosing Burn Wounds Infection: The Practice Gap & Advances with MolecuLight Bacterial Imaging. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 268.
- Oguntala G, Indramohan V, Jeffery S, Abd-Alhameed R. Triple-layer Tissue Prediction for Cutaneous skin Burn Injury: Analytical Solution and Parametric Analysis. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 173 (2021) 12.
- Powell K, Pujji OJS, Jeffery S. Wound healing: what is the NICE guidance from the UK? J Wound Care, 30(3):172-182. 2021
Book Chapters
- Debridement of Pediatric burns. In: Surgical Wound Healing and Management, 1st edition 2007. Eds Mark Granick, Richard Gamelli. ISBN 978-0849382567
- Injuries due to Burn and Cold. In: Trauma Care Manual 2008, 2nd edition. Eds I Greaves, K Porter, J Garner. ISBN 978- 0340928264
- The management of burns. In: Oxford Desk Reference: Major Trauma, Oxford University Press 2010. ISBN 978-0199543328. First edition
- The management of complex wounds. In: The Oxford International Wound Healing Course book
- Role 4 and Reconstruction. In: Ryan’s Ballistic Trauma: A Practical Guide. Springer 2011. ISBN 978-1848821231
- Traumatic Wounds. In: ABC of Wound Healing. John Wiley & Sons 2021. ISBN: 978-0-470-65897-0
- Traumatic and combat-related wounds in pediatrics. In: Neonatal and Pediatric Wound Care. Minerva Medica 2022. ISBN 978-88-5532-104-4
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