17 courses found , showing results 1 to 17
Art and Design - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
A PhD in Art and Design will help you create opportunities to develop research skills that support professional practice, research and/or academic careers within the fields of art, design and the creative industries. You will...
Built Environment Research Degrees - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
A Built Environment PhD can be a pathway to a career in a wide range of related professions, especially in management roles – or in the academic world. If you’re already in such a role, the PhD is a major piece of personal...
Business Research Degrees - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
Birmingham City Business School have a long and successful history in the field of business research. The wide range of experiences, skills and specialisms within the faculty allow us to have one of the most diverse business...
Computing Research Degrees - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
The School welcomes enquiries relating to hardware of telecommunications, computer networks, games technology, electronic engineering and software engineering. Areas of research in which staff are currently active include gaming,...
Conservatoire Research Degrees - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
A PhD at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire will help you create opportunities to develop research skills that support performance, composition or a scholarly career. Whether you are interested in music (including composition, music...
Education - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
Our Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education (CSPACE) is active in a wide range of research in education policy and practice, and engages in education research across all age phases, from Early Years, through...
Engineering Research Degrees - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
An engineering PhD can be a pathway to a career in a wide range of related jobs, including in management roles – or in the academic world. If you’re already in such a role, the PhD is a major piece of personal development,...
English Research Degrees - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
A PhD in English will help you to develop research skills that support professional practice, research and/or academic careers. You will work closely with a team of specialist academics in your chosen field, and receive...
Health - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
The Doctor of Philosophy or PhD is recognised worldwide and is often an essential requirement for those wishing to follow an academic or research career in health or social care.
Law - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
We support a thriving PhD community, largely through its three main research centres: The Centre for American Legal Studies, The Centre for Human Rights and the Centre for Law, Science and Policy. We also contribute to the work...
Masters by Research - MRes
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
The Masters by Research (MRes) course is a flexible research-based course designed to provide graduates with a foundation for a career in research, the public/private sector, healthcare or academia (i.e. PhD studies). The purpose...
Masters by Research in Business and Management - MRes
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
The Master’s by Research (MRes) is a flexible research training course designed to provide graduates with a foundation for a career in research, business, third-sector, government or academia. It is designed as a research-led...
Media and Cultural Studies - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
Our Media and Cultural Studies PhD research degree will help you achieve a career in media research or academia. The PhD enables research into a broad range of interests within the fields of media, communication and cultural...
Professional Doctorate in Education - EdD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
Are you interested in undertaking research into your own professional practice in education? Then our professional doctorate in Education, the EdD, is the course for you.
Professional Doctorate in Health Practice - DHealth
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
The Professional Doctorate in Health Practice (DHealth) is a part-time multi-professional programme leading to a doctoral award. It will enable you to advance your skills, knowledge and practice through research engagement. You...
Professional Doctorate in Sport - DSport
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
The Professional Doctorate in Sport (DSport) is aimed at individuals working in sport who are seeking to advance their skillset and knowledge within their related discipline. The DSport integrates part-time doctoral level study with continuing professional practice, which ideal if you want to study at doctoral level while continuing your professional commitments.
Social Sciences - PhD
Postgraduate Research | 2025/26 entry
We support a growing and vibrant community of PhD students. The PhD is an advanced postgraduate qualification, involving three or more years in which you work through the issues associated with solving a particular problem. Each...
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