Meet your course Leader - Digital Film Production

Stephen Gordon is the Course Leader for BSc Digital Film Production. He has worked at the University for over 13 years, and looked after numerous different modules at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. Stephen is a person worth knowing while you study with us. 

Meet your Course Leader

We caught up with him so you could find out more about his role and tips he has for film students.

What does your job involve?

Managing the delivery of the taught content on the film degree courses, as well as delivering several modules on the former course.

What’s your favourite thing about being Course Leader?

Watching students increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence with the course content and equipment over three years to the point they can successfully apply for jobs in the industry. 

Digital Technology Courses

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What have been your career highlights so far?

Seeing our students achieve success in the industry about which they are passionate.

What are your specialist areas?

I’m interested in effective techniques for pre-production planning. I love to learn as much as possible about cinematography and lighting. I am also starting to learn more about all aspects of sound design. 

What can new students most look forward to?

The opportunity to use professional film and/or VFX production equipment to develop their technical understanding and craft skills to a point where they will be ready for industry.

Any tips for students on how they can prepare for university?

Get into the habit of regularly reading about Digital Film Production, whether in books, journals or online. Watch a wide range of films, including those in foreign languages, this will help develop an understanding about the different ways in which technology is used in the service of the art of film.