Dr Chitta Saha
Dr Chitta Saha is a Senior Lecturer in Automotive Engineering and a leading researcher on Solar PV system and associated power electronics areas.
Dr. Saha received his BSc (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2001. He completed his MEngSc (research) degree in Microelectronic Engineering from National Microelectronic Research Centre (NMRC), University College Cork (UCC), Ireland, in 2003. During his PhD study, he developed the model of an electromagnetic (EM) vibrational generator and verified the model with the measured and simulated results. The model has been successfully applied to optimise the device for machine monitoring application and human motion application. He was a research associate/fellow on a £2 million multi-universities EPSRC-funded Score project at the University of Nottingham for four and half years.
From 2012-2022, he worked as a Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the School of Computing, Electronics and Maths at Coventry University, and he was awarded as a fellow in HEA 2015. During this time he was responsible for the pedagogical development, preparation and delivery of teaching, learning and assessment for a wide range of specialist modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
He has 12 years’ research experience working in Solar PV and its power electronics area, which he used to design the module that fit within the overall programme and provided a coherent learning experience. In 2021, he played a key role to build a strong partnership with JLR for up skills programme for electrification course and successfully delivered electrical and machine modules to JLR.
From 2018-2022, he was an external examiner for the MSc Programme for Modular Masters in Electronics and MSc Conversion Masters, Hertfordshire University.
Over the last 12 years he has initiated and conducted high quality research activities, continuously producing high-quality outputs in international journals and conferences. He is an active researcher with an international reputation in the field of Solar PV system, energy harvesting technology, energy storage and power electronics areas. He is currently supervising PhD students who are working on battery modelling for electric vehicles and solar PV modelling integration with inverter and energy storage for grid application areas.