Journal Publications
Posillico, J.J., Edwards, D.J., Roberts, C.J. and Shelbourn, M. (2022) A Conceptual Construction Management Curriculum Model Grounded in Scientometric Analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, In Press. DOI:
Posillico, J.J., Edwards, D.J., Roberts, C. and Shelbourn, M. (2021) Curriculum development in the higher education literature: A synthesis focusing on construction management programmes. Industry in Higher Education. 36(4), pp. 456–470. DOI:
van der Meij, R.J.B., Edwards, D.J., Roberts, C., El-Gohary, H. and Posillico, J.J. (2021) Performance management within the Dutch steel processing industry. Journal of Engineering Design and Technology. In Press. DOI:
Conference Proceedings
Posillico, J.J., Stanislav, T., Edwards, D.J. and Shelbourn, M. (2022) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Construction Management Education amidst the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Recommendations from a Scientometric Analysis. In: Proceedings of The World Building Congress 2022 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). Melbourne, Australia, 27-30 June 2022. DOI:
Smith, G., Edwards, D.J. and Posillico, J.J. (2021) A Comparative Analysis Between the Tender Estimate and the Actual Completion Cost of High Voltage Fluid Filled Cable Decommissioning. In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa. Durban, South Africa, 27-28 September 2021. DOI: To Be Issued.
Posillico, J.J., Shelbourn, M. and Edwards, D.J. (2021) Using Simulations to Promote Generational Communication Awareness and Empathy in Construction Management Students – A Pilot Study. In: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference. Virtual, 5-9 April 2021, pp. 434-441. DOI:
Industry Publications
Posillico, J.J., (2021, Fall). 4 Ways to Increase Business Sustainability. The Source, pp. 17-19.
Posillico, J.J., (2020, Fall). Customer Service in a Socially Distant Construction Environment. The Source, pp. 9-11.
Posillico, J.J., (2020, March). Builders Should Not Underestimate the Value of ‘Soft Skills.’ Construction Best Practices,
Posillico, J.J., (2020, March). Life Lessons: Construction Management Students Prepare for Real-World Challenges and Victories. Construction Executive, pp. 25.
Posillico, J.J., (2020, January). How I Slipped in ‘People’ Skills for my Construction Students. Engineering News Record: Viewpoint
Posillico, J.J., (2019, Fall). Back to Basics: The Email. The Source, pp. 20-21.
Awards and Recognitions
2022 International Excellence in Teaching Award - Associated Schools of Construction (International)
2022 Regional Teaching Award - Associated Schools of Construction (Region 8)
Best Paper in Category – Enhancing the Education and Work Environment for People in Construction