Computing staff

93 items found, viewing items 11 to 20.

  • Taufiq Asyhari

    Associate Professor in Networks and Communications

    Taufiq is an Associate Professor in Networks and Communications and the Head of the Future Information Networks (FINET) Research Cluster at Birmingham City University (BCU).  He received the PhD degree in Information Engineering from Trinity Hall, the University of Cambridge, UK, and the BEng (1st Class Hons) in Electrical...

  • Professor Cham Athwal

    Professor of Digital Technology

    Cham Athwal is currently working part-time as a Professor in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment (CEBE). His main responsibilities are in developing and growing CEBE's activities in India. He has played a major role in developing the  Munjal BCU Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship  at Ludhiana...

  • Ron Austin

    Associate Professor

    Ron has 17 years’ industrial experience working for Telewest, Energis and Cable and Wireless. He managed and built the Freeserve network before moving to Cable & Wireless where he managed the network management systems (Operational Systems Support (OSS)) for the Voice Over IP (VOIP) network.

  • Dr Muhammad Ajmal Azad

    Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security

    Muhammad Ajmal Azad is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Cyber Security in the Department of Computer Science and Digital Technologies at Birmingham City University. His research interests broadly cover the areas of network security and privacy. In the past few years, he designed systems and methods for securing...

  • Professor Atif Azad

    Professor of Artificial Intelligence

    The work of Professor Azad furthers the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, UK Digital Strategy, and BCU's 2025 strategy for creating an inclusive digital economy, closing the digital skills gap, partnership building and decreasing underrepresentation of various demographics in the tech industry via some flagship...

  • Dr Oluwatobi Ezekiel Baiyekusi

    Research Fellow

    Dr Baiyekusi is a post-doctoral research fellow in artificial intelligence (AI) and future communications. His research and innovation experience has covered different aspects in AI, wireless communications, digital signal processing (DSP) including applying AI in video processing and audio processing applications. He currently...

  • Dr. Shadi Basurra

    Professor of Intelligent Systems

    Prof. Dr. Shadi Basurra, Professor of Intelligent Systems, graduated from the University of Exeter - BSc, UK (2007) and the University of Kent – MSc, UK (2008). He earned his PhD from the University of Bath (in collaboration with Bristol University) in 2012 through a scholarship from Toshiba, Great Western Research, and the...

  • Dr Mohamed Ben Farah

    Lecturer in Networks and Cyber Security

    Mohamed (BEng, MSc, PhD, HDR) is a Lecturer in Cyber Security at Birmingham City University. Prior to this position, he was a research associate in Cyber Security at the Institute for Signals, Sensors and Communications with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. Mohamed has...

  • Dr Jagdev Bhogal

    Associate Professor of Computing

    Jagdev is an experienced lecturer whose main teaching area is Database Systems. Jagdev has published conference and journal papers on relational/object/nosql database systems, ontologies, text mining and cloud computing. 

  • Nizam Bolia

    Senior Lecturer

    Nizam Bolia has over 17 years of experience in Higher Education. He is the Programme Leader for BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Technology (CIT), BSc (Hons) Computing and the Computing Foundation Year for all degree routes. He is also involved in Transnational Education (TNE) which he leads the CIT course in Nepal.

93 items found, viewing items 11 to 20.