Esther Palomar
Esther Palomar is a Reader of Computing at Birmingham City University.
After graduating from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, Esther gained employment as a computer forensic auditor at an international auditing firm, before returning to the university in 2004 to complete a PhD programme in computer science. She then worked at the university as an Assistant Professor for nine years, teaching computing, cryptography and network security, as well as contributing to numerous research projects. During this time, Esther also visited two European research centres, both of which were funded by grants.
Joining Birmingham City University in 2013, Esther is currently researching in the fields of information assurance and security, as well as privacy issues, on a variety of technologies, including mobile networks, smart grids and the Internet of Things.
Current Activity
Esther is currently involved in research in the fields of information assurance and security and privacy issues on a variety of pervasive technologies, including mobile network and applications and, also on novel Internet of Things (IoT) environments such as machine-to-machine networks, smart grids and smart home networks with various sensors, V2V and V2I area networks, and personal area networks.
Esther's main activity is the supervision and guidance of BSc, MSc and PhD dissertation students, as well as postdoctoral fellows. She would welcome submissions of interest from suitable applicants for MPhil or PhD projects in:
- Security and privacy solutions for mobile healthcare technology
- Security and privacy in collaboration-based ad hoc environments such as smart cities and vehicular ad hoc networks
- Evaluation of novel security protocols by using different types of game theoretical frameworks
- Application of artificial intelligence techniques to address different challenges from an evolutionary viewpoint
Esther serves as TPC member for several conferences including the IEEE Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Systems and as reviewer for numerous high impact international journals such as Elsevier Computer Networks and IEEE Security & Privacy. Her activity in these events will definitely improve the dissemination of the conducted research results, as well as greatly help students involve in the community.
Areas of Expertise
- Cyber security
- Information assurance
- Forensics
- Applied AI
- Economic approaches
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
MSc in Computer Science and Technology
PhD in Computer Science
Esther has a strong research track record in the following topics:
- Cryptographic algorithms and protocols
- Privacy preservation
- Co-operation-based mechanism
- Economic approaches.
She has published in a number of journals, books, and conferences, and is a reviewer for a number of journals and conferences in computer science.
Book edition
'Advances in Security Information Management: Perceptions and Outcomes'. Editors: Guillermo Suarez-Tangil and Esther Palomar, by NOVA Publishers. January, (2013). ISBN: 978-1-62417-204-5
Book chapters
Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Esther Palomar and Arturo Ribagorda. 'Towards an Intelligent Security Event Information Management System'. In Advances in Security Information Management: Perceptions and Outcomes. Ed.: Guillermo Suarez-Tangil and Esther Palomar, Chapter 10. NOVA Publishers. January, (2013)
Esther Palomar, Juan E. Tapiador, Julio C. Hernandez-Castro and A. Ribagorda. 'Cooperative Security in Peer-to-Peer and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks'. In Taylor and Francis Cooperative Wireless Communications Ed.: Zhang et al., Chapter 17, pp. 391 - 412. Auerbach Publications (2008)
Esther Palomar, Juan E. Tapiador, Julio C. Hernandez-Castro and A. Ribagorda. 'Secure Content Distribution in Pure Peer-to-Peer and Ad Hoc Networks'. In IGI Global Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia DistributionEd.: Shiguo Lian, Chapter XX, pp. 385 - 404. IGI Global (2008)
Palomar, E., Chen, X., Liu, Z., Maharjan, S., Bowen, J. (2016) Component-Based Modelling for Scalable Smart City Systems Interoperability: A Case Study On Integrating Energy Demand Response Systems
Palomar, E., Gonzalez-Manzano, L., Alcaide, A., Galan, A. (2016) Implementing A Privacy-Enhanced Attribute-Based Credential System For Online Social Networks With Co-Ownership Management
Palomar, E., Rmeileh, S., Shah, H. (2016) ALOC: Attribute Level of Confidence for a User-Centric Attribute Assurance
Palomar, E., Gonzalez-Manzano, Alcaide, A., Galan, A. (2016) Implementing A Privacy-Enhanced ABC System for Online Social Networks With Co-Ownership Management
Bravo, I., Vazquez, C., Gardel, A., Lazaro, JL., Palomar, E. (2015) High level synthesis FPGA implementation of the Jacobi algorithm to solve the eigen problem
Suarez-Tangil, G., Palomar, E., Ribagorda, A., Sanz, I. (2015) Providing SIEM systems with self-adaptation
Patel, A., Palomar, E. (2014) Privacy preservation in location-based mobile applications: research directions
Alcaide, A., Palomar, E., Fuentes, JM., Gonzalez-Manzano, L. (2014) Compontent-based modelling for sustainable and scalable smart meter networks
Almudena Alcaide, Esther Palomar, Elisenda Molina and Yan Zhang. 'Anonymous Authentication for Privacy-preserving IoT Target-driven Applications'. In Computers & Security Vol.37, pp. 111 - 123. Elsevier, September (2013) Impact factor: 0.868
Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Esther Palomar, Arturo Ribagorda and Ivan Sanz. 'Providing SIEM Systems with Self-Adaptation: A Genetic-based Framework for an Adaptive Event Correlation'. In Information Fusion. Elsevier (2013) Impact factor: 1.467
Esther Palomar, Almudena Alcaide, Arturo Ribagorda and Yan Zhang. 'The Peer's Dilemma: A general framework to examine cooperation in pure peer-to-peer systems'. In Computer Networks Vol. 56, Num. 17, pp. 3756-3766. Elsevier (2012) Impact factor: 1.200
Esther Palomar, Jose M. de Fuentes, Ana I. Gonzalez-Tablas and Almudena Alcaide. 'Hindering false event dissemination in VANETs with proof-of-work mechanisms'. In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 23, pp. 85 - 97. Elsevier (2012) Impact factor: 1.957 Paper cited by 1.
Pedro Peris-Lopez, Agustin Orfila, Esther Palomar and Julio C. Hernandez-Castro. 'A secure distance-based RFID identification protocol with an off-line back-end database'. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp. 351 - 365. Springer (2012) Impact factor: 0.938 Paper cited by 4.
Fabrice Le Fessant, Antonis Papadimitriou, Aline Carneiro Viana, Cigdem Sengul and Esther Palomar. 'A sinkhole resilient protocol for wireless sensor networks: Performance and security analysis''. In Computer Communications, Vol. 35, pp. 234 - 248. Elsevier (2012) Impact factor: 1.044 Paper cited by 3.
J.C. Hernandez-Castro, J.E. Tapiador, E. Palomar and A. Romero. 'Blind Steganalysis of Mp3stego'. In Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol 26, N. 5, pp. 1787 - 1799. Institute of Information Science (2010) Impact factor: Paper cited by 3.
Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Esther Palomar, Arturo Ribagorda and Benjamin Ramos. 'Anonymity in the service of attackers'. In CEPIS UPGRADE, The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, Vol 10, N. 1, pp. 27 - 30. CEPIS (2010). Paper cited by 1.
Esther Palomar, Juan M. Estevez-Tapiador, Julio C. Hernandez Castro and Arturo Ribagorda. 'Secure content access and replication in pure P2P networks'. In Computer Communications, Vol 31, Issue 2, pp. 266 - 279. Elsevier (2008) Impact factor: 0.8 Paper cited by 14.
Esther Palomar, Almudena Alcaide, Elisenda Molina and Yan Zhang. "Coalitional Games for the Management of Anonymous Access in Online Social Networks" In the Int. Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). July 10 - 12, 2013 - Tarragona, Spain.
Jose Montero-Castillo and Esther Palomar. "Cooperation in Ad Hoc Network Security Services - Classification and Survey" In the 5th Int. Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies. UBICOMM 2011, pp. 175 - 179. November 20 - 25, 2011 - Lisbon, Portugal
Guillermo Suarez- Tangil, Esther Palomar, Sergio Pastrana and Arturo Ribagorda. "Artificial Immunity-based Correlation System". In the Int. Conference on Security and Cryptography SECRYPT 2011, pp. 422 - 425. July 18 - 21, 2011 - Seville, Spain
Almudena Alcaide, Esther Palomar, Israel Barroso and Ali E. Abdallah. "Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography-based Materials". In the Int. Conference on Security and Cryptography SECRYPT 2011, pp. 379 - 382. July 18 - 21, 2011 - Seville, Spain
Almudena Alcaide, Esther Palomar, Ana Isabel Gonzalez-Tablas Ferreres and Arturo Ribagorda. "Formal Proof of Cooperativeness in a Multi-Party P2P Content Authentication Protocol". In TrustBus 2010 the 7th Int. Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business, pp. 141-152. 30 August - 3 September 2010. Bilbao, Spain
E. Palomar, A. Alcaide, Ana I. Gonzalez-Tablas and A. Ribagorda. "A Simple Mechanism to Maintain Peer's Cooperativeness: The Peer's RPS Dilemma". In ICOMP 2010, the Int. Conference on Internet Computing 2010, pp. 37 - 43. July 12 - 15, 2010 - Las Vegas, USA
P. Peris, J.C. Hernandez-Castro, J.E. Tapiador, E. Palomar, J.C.A. van der Lubbe. "Cryptographic Puzzles and Distance-bounding Protocols: Practical Tools for RFID Security". In IEEE RFID 2010, the Int. Conference on RFID, pp. 45 - 52. April 14 - 16, 2010 - Florida, USA. Paper cited by 12.
G. Suarez-Tangil, E. Palomar, B. Ramos-Alvarez and A. Ribagorda "An Experimental Comparison of Source Location Privacy Methods for Power Optimization in WSN". In WSEAS 2010, the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, pp. 79 - 84. Faro, Portugal. Paper cited by 1.
E. Palomar, A. Ribagorda, J.E. Tapiador, J.C. Hernandez-Castro. "Effects of Cooperation-based Peer-to-Peer Authentication on System Performance". In MINES 2009, the Int. Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, pp. 444 - 448. 18 - 20 November 2009. Wuhan, China
G. Suarez-Tangil, E. Palomar, J.D. Fuentes, J. Blasco and A. Ribagorda. "Automatic Rule Generation Based on Genetic Programming for Event Correlation". In CISIS 2009, the 2nd Int. Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Security in Information Systems, pp. 127-134. Burgos, Spain. Paper cited by 3.
E. Palomar, A. Alcaide, Ana I. Gonzalez-Tablas and A. Ribagorda "Bayesian Analysis of Secure P2P Sharing Protocols". In OTM 2007 On The Move, 2nd Int. Symposium on Information Security (IS'07), pp. 1701 - 1717, November 26 - 27, 2007. Vilamoura, Portugal. Paper cited by 6.
Esther Palomar, Juan E. Tapiador, Julio C. Hernandez Castro and Arturo Ribagorda. "Dealing with Sporadic Strangers, or the(Un)Suitability of Trust for Mobile P2P Security". In DEXA 2007 The 4th Int. Workshop on Data Management in Global Data Repositories, and P2P Data Management, Security and Trust - PDMST '07, pp. 779 - 783. Regensburg, Germany
E. Palomar, J.M.E. Tapiador, J.C. Hernandez-Castro and A. Ribagorda. "A P2P File-Sharing Protocol based on Cryptographic Puzzles". In VLDB 2007 Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing DBISP2P 2007, within the Int. Conference on Very Large Data Bases. September 23 - 27 2007. Vienna, Austria
E. Palomar, J.M.E. Tapiador, J.C. Hernandez-Castro, A. Ribagorda. "A Protocol for Secure Content Distribution in Pure P2P Networks". In DEXA 2006 The 3rd Int. Workshop on P2P Data Management, Security and Trust, PDMST 2006 (DEXA), pp. 712 - 716. September 4 - 8 2006. Krakow, Poland
E. Palomar, J.M.E. Tapiador, J.C. Hernandez-Castro, A. Ribagorda. "Certificate-based Access Control in Pure P2P Networks". In P2P 2006 The Sixth IEEE Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, pp. 177 - 184. September 2006. Cambridge, UK. Paper cited by 17.
E. Palomar, J.M.E. Tapiador, J.C. Hernandez-Castro, A. Ribagorda. "Security in P2P Networks: Survey and Research Directions". In EUC 2006 The Int. Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, LNCS 4097, pp. 183 - 192, August 1 - 4, 2006. Seoul, Korea. Paper cited by 7.
E. Palomar, J.M.E. Tapiador, J.C. Hernandez-Castro, A. Ribagorda. "A P2P Content Authentication Protocol based on Byzantine Agreement". In ETRICS 2006 The Int. Conference of Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security, ETRICS 2006, LNCS 3995, pp. 60 - 72, June 6 - 9, 2006. Freiburg, Germany. Paper cited by 2.