Dr Sepideh Zahiri
Dr Sepideh Zahiri is a Lecturer in the Department of Marketing and Leisure Economies at Birmingham City University. She holds a PhD in Digital Marketing from Birmingham City University, Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (PgCert), and Postgraduate Certificate in Research Practice (PgCert) from Birmingham City University, Master of Science (MSc) in International Marketing from Sheffield Hallam University, and Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Ershad-Damavand, Institute of Higher Education (Iran) as well as Fellow of the Higher Education Academy of UK.
Dr Sepideh Zahiri joined Birmingham City University in 2015 within the Department of Strategy, Management and Marketing (renamed as Department of Marketing and Leisure Economies) and from 2016 up to now, she lectured in various Marketing, Management, Business, and accounting subjects as well as dissertation supervision. Sepideh earned a PhD at Birmingham City University in 2021.
Sepideh’s research is broadly focused on the Determinants of Distribution Firms’ E-Marketing Adoption and the Impact on Marketing Performance. Specifically, the research explored the different factors influencing distribution firms’ decision to involve in E-Marketing adoption with their marketing activities in Middle Eastern countries and the relationship between the distribution firms E-Marketing adoption and its marketing performance using triangulation strategy.
Sepideh’s also has interest to work in the area that studies the impact of digital marketing and digital platforms on marketing operation. The main motivation is to reveal, how digital marketing impacts managers/owners and top managers’ decision to involve in technology innovation adoption in their marketing activities and how different factors (both internal and external) have an impact upon firms’ marketing performance.
Sepideh has expertise in both academic and industrial research, including quantitative research methods such as Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), statistical techniques for exploratory analysis such as regression and forecasting, and Qualitative research methods. She also has Extensive knowledge in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and in-depth knowledge of Python programming language.
Her research areas include Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Qualitative Research Methods, Quantitative Research Methods, Mixed method, Technology Entrepreneurship Consumer Behaviour, and Distribution and Logistics.
She has published in a journal paper and many leading conferences as well as having several papers in progress in leading journals.