Professor Navjot Sandhu

Navjot Singh

Deputy Head of Graduate School of Management

Birmingham City Business School
+44 (0)121 331 5249

Professor Navjot Sandhu is Deputy Head of Graduate School of Management at Birmingham City University. She has a wide range of experience of developing, delivering higher education courses programmes, modules at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. She works closely with Finance professional bodies to get professional accreditations for Finance programmes.

Professor Sandhu’s PhD topic focused upon the finance gap for small and marginal farmers (SMFs) in India, Punjab. Since joining Birmingham City University in September 2010, she continues to develop this niche further, with a particular focus on bank lending decisions for SMFs, an important area of research that has potential to impact on government policy and the agricultural sector at large in developed and emerging economies.

Whilst pursuing her PhD research, Professor Sandhu has worked on a European Union funded project, the work-life balance issues related to South Asian employees, a study that identified various cultural and societal issues, which impedes the work life balance and adversely affects levels of stress and low productivity among the employees.

Professor Sandhu is a peer referee for various international journals and served as an assistant Editor for JSBED (Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development) for eight years. She won: the Birmingham City University Business School Best Research Paper Award 2012, Outstanding Reviewer Award by Emerald Literati Network 2013. Currently, she is teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level courses, research active and also supervising PhDs.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision