Speech and Language Therapy: your guide to uniform and professional placements


As a  BSc (Hons) Speech and Language Therapy student, placements will be a big part of your learning experience. Working with the NHS and independent partners from across the region (including Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Talk Therapy), we'll provide you with opportunities throughout your programme to develop your knowledge and skills in practice, while being supported by a skilled and supportive clinical team.

While there's no specific uniform for Speech and Language Therapy, you will be expected to adhere to our dress code and uniform policy, which will be shared with you when you start. Here are some key points to note:


On placement, you’ll be expected to dress in a smart, professional manner that doesn't cause offence. Here’s some tips on items of clothing to avoid:

  • High-heeled or open-toe shoes
  • Clothing which restricts movement
  • Clothing likely to snag on any equipment
  • Unsecured neck ties or scarves
  • Mini-skirts (skirts should be no more than 7cm above the knee)
  • Lycra clothing
  • Transparent or ‘see-through’ clothing
  • Tracksuits
  • Low-cut tops or crop-tops
  • Denim
  • Political badges or emblems
  • Large logos or graphics
  • Long-sleeved clothing (many clinical environments will require you to be 'bare below the elbow').


Footwear should be plain black, low-heeled, lace-up or slip-on full shoes that can be wiped clean. Suede or fabric shoes, ballerina-type shoes and sandals are not usually permitted. 


  • Make-up must be worn with restraint so that it’s not readily noticeable and false eyelashes are not permitted
  • Tattoos must be covered up and body piercings must be removed
  • The only jewellery that you’ll be permitted to wear on placement is one smooth metal band ring and one plain pair of small stud earrings
  • Wrist watches can usually be worn in non-clinical areas
  • Nails must be trimmed, clean and unvarnished
  • If your hair reaches your collar, you'll need to tie this up, with hair accessories kept to a minimum.

Ultimately, you should be wearing something that feels comfortable but looks professional. 


Placements are a big part of your experience as a student studying a health course such as Speech and Language Therapy, Diagnostic Radiography, Operating Department Practice, Radiotherapy or Paramedic Science. They're an important way to gaining skills and building relationships to help increase your chances of securing a role after you graduate - after all, our placement partners are also potentially your future employers!

Here's what some of our students have said about their experiences on placement:

*This video was filmed before Covid.


Find out about Ross's student experience on our BSc (Hons) Speech and Language Therapy course.

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