Library News Last updated 25 October 2022
If you're struggling to get started then take a look at the series of events the library has lined up for you, starting from 14 November as part of the wider Refresh for Success campaign. These include the following, and more:
Your BCU Information Supermarket
Join the library and other professional services including IT, Careers+, BCU Sport, Centre for Academic Success and many more to find out what they can offer and how they can help you.
Take a look at the library events calendar for more details.
How To...Get Help
These events will cover how to get help from the various departments within the library and signpost to other services at the university. The events will be a mixture of online and in person drop-ins and there's no need to book.
Take a look at the library events calendar for more details.
Effective use of Web of Science and SCOPUS
If your research involves the use of Web of Science or SCOPUS then why not book on to an online workshop where you will learn how to make the most of these databases.
Take a look at the library events calendar for more details.
Dissertation Literature Searching (City South)
If you're working on a dissertation and need some help with literature searching then why not come along to these informal drop-in sessions at the Mary Seacole Library.
Take a look at the library events calendar for more details.