Assessment only courses
Already a teacher?
If you're already an experienced teacher with a degree but you don't have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), you may not have to do any further training.
The Assessment Only (AO) route to QTS allows you to demonstrate that you already meet all the Teachers' Standards and can therefore be awarded QTS. It does not include any training and is only suitable if you are currently working as an unqualified teacher and have at least two years experience of teaching in your chosen age phase in at least two different schools.
In determining your suitability to teach, a range of evidence will be considered, including:
- Information from the application form
- Information from DBS checks
- Referees’ reports
- Advice from schools
- Portfolios
- Interviews
Entry requirements
In line with the Department for Education's requirements, those wishing to apply for the Assessment Only route will be expected to be working in a school and have the support of the school in the assessment process. You will have a minimum of two years teaching experience and have taught in at least two different schools, early years and/or further education settings.
In addition you must have the following:
GCSE requirement
All candidates must have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 (formerly a grade C) in the GCSE examinations in English and mathematics, and all who are assessed in settings that include pupils aged 3-11 additionally have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 (formerly a grade C) in the GCSE examination in a science subject.
Degree requirement
All candidates must hold an Honours Degree with a 2:2 (UK) or above. Other first degrees will be considered particularly if you have additional qualifications and/or relevant experience.
Eligibility requirements
That, prior to acceptance for assessment, all candidates have:
- taken part in an interview designed to assess their suitability to teach. The interview process will include: a classroom observation, a written task, an online interview (via MS Teams), discussions related to the initial Professional Development Portfolio of evidence, and discussions with your mentor (who will be a school leader)
- completed a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates their meeting of all the Teachers' Standards without the need for any further training
- been subject to a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure check and/or any other appropriate background checks.
Please note: we do not accept overseas applications for the Assessment Only route.
We accept applications from UK citizens working as unqualified teachers in England only. The entirety of the Assessment Only process is completed online.
Initial assessment requirement
All candidates are initially assessed to confirm that they:
- have the intellectual and academic capabilities needed to meet the required QTS standards;
- possess the appropriate qualities, attitudes and values expected of a teacher;
- can read effectively and are able to communicate clearly and accurately in Standard English;
- have met the Secretary of State’s requirements for health and physical capacity to teach.
- Initial contact and preliminary assessment to identify whether or not the candidate is suitable to be registered with the DfE. This involves meeting with the school and the candidate.
- Registration and Assessment against standards for QTS - to be undertaken over three months from the initial registration. This involves registering the candidate with DfE and co-ordinating the assessment of the applicant against the Teachers' Standards, in liaison with school(s) involved with the applicant.
- £750 for the initial contact and preliminary assessment (to be paid on completion of the preliminary assessment)
- £1,750 for registration and assessment against the Teachers' Standards for QTS
More information
For more information contact our Pre-Entry Enquiries Team online by using the Course Enquiry Form or by calling +44 (0)121 331 6295.
Alternatively, please email for the attention of Clair Bowen (Primary) OR Emma Barnes (Secondary).