Music facilities
The Conservatoire owns a sizable collection of fine modern instruments, all of which are available for loan. Additionally, our dedicated Percussion Suite houses a large collection of instruments available for student use. Oboists and bassoonists can also take advantage of reed-making classes and equipment.
Early instruments
An excellent growing collection of early instruments, both reproduction and original, are available for student use. These include:

A full complement of Baroque stringed instruments and bows |
Harpsichords (including a Taskin-Goermanns model by Michael Johnson, 1996) |
Chamber organ (Kenneth Tickell, 1997) |
Fortepianos (including a Fritz model by Denis Woolley, 1996) |
Theorbo (Peter Biffin, 1980) |
Renaissance recorder consort (Mollenhauer, 2003) |
Baroque recorders (David Heathcote) |
Baroque flutes (Rudolf Tutz) |
Baroque and Classical oboes by Richard Earle and Marcel Ponselle |
Classical clarinets (Brian Ackerman) |
Baroque bassoon (Matthew Dart) |
Cornetts (Christopher Monk Workshop) |
Six natural trumpets (Keavy-Vanryne, 2002) |
Sackbutts (Frank Tomes) |
Natural and baroque horns (Halstead-Webb) |
Medieval and Renaissance instruments, including crumhorns, shawms, hurdy gurdies, harps and lutes |
The Conservatoire has an excellent stock of pianos for student/concert use including three Steinway Model D concert grand pianos.
The 2nd floor piano studios are equipped with a number of Steinway Model B and Model AS pianos, alongside two Yamaha S6 instruments, giving students and staff a range of high-quality instruments for teaching and rehearsal purposes. In addition to our service agreement with Steinway, we have an experienced in-house piano technician to keep all our pianos in tip-top shape.

Organ teaching is centred on the three-manual Walker organ in nearby St Chad’s Cathedral. Within the Conservatoire building are four small tracker-action practice organs.
Since 2007, the historic neo-baroque Eule organ commissioned by Lady Susi Jeans in the 1930s (generously donated by the Royal School of Church Music) has allowed our students to perform in the Conservatoire Recital Hall and participate in competitions.