Why study here?
This is an exciting, contemporary place to train, not only as an actor, but also in the associated disciplines of stage management, and applied theatre.
The School’s well-equipped studios are hives of activity, buzzing with the creativity and hard work of students committed to developing into professionals in the performance industry.

All this, along with the advantages of being part of a major university, benefiting from facilities such as the industry-standard television and radio studios.
The quality of our training is something we take seriously across all our courses.
You will benefit from our committed, professional staff and exceptional programmes that will ensure you are well-equipped for the future.
We have strong links with the performance industry, giving you not only the opportunity to learn from professionals in external organisations, but also a chance to forge connections and gain work placements where appropriate.
We have recently merged with Royal Birmingham Conservatoire to become a multidisciplinary institution of music and acting. This is a positive step in our history, and one that I'm excited to be a part of.
Under the name of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, actors and musicians in training will have more opportunities to collaborate and share ideas – it promises to be a vibrant creative environment that will provide an excellent standard of professional training.