
Danièle Sanderson is the Course Director for our BA (Hons) Acting . Find out about Danièle's background and the top tips she recommends for students joining the School of Acting in September.
What did you study at University?
I trained as an actor at the Drama Centre London. I also graduated from MA in Theatre directing at Middlesex University.
What are your hobbies and interests?
With a demanding job and 2 kids I don’t really have time for a hobby. I love reading plays, going to see plays, watching high-quality drama and reading. Fortunately, these are all things I do as part of my job! And I would go to Yoga every day if I could!
What is the philosophy of your course?
To engage with and develop the art form of acting and to support individuals to realise their potential as creative, entrepreneurial artists. The school provides a practical and philosophical reference point that will stay with students throughout their creative lives.
What’s your favourite thing about working at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire?
The students.
How would you describe the School of Acting?
It’s a vibrant, adaptable organisation that seeks to support and develop individuals with the desire and ability to excel. It's very much a family feel. Students get very close, making lifelong friends.
Why might students want to study your course?
BA (Hons) Acting is a conservatoire acting course aimed at preparing you to be a professional actor, with a focus on excellence in teaching, a willingness to embrace new or different perspectives, and the flexibility to confront issues that drive contemporary culture.
Can you tell us why you believe it’s important to study a degree?
Studying at degree level gives you an opportunity to expand your imagination, to be creative and to grow more into yourself, to find out who you are and what you really want from your future career.
What can students look forward to most when starting their course in September?
Being with likeminded people doing what you love all day every day.
How can students prepare for university now?
Read: take notes of the indicative reading and try and get ahead with that.
Where will students mainly be based in their study time and what will their learning environment look like?
Acting students tend to be mainly in the acting building but we can also use other spaces across the campus.
Can you give us five top tips for students joining the School of Acting in September?
- Read: plays, fiction, books acting and theatre, read the news, read psychology, philosophy, history, etc.
- Eat: it’s a physically demanding course. You WILL get hungry so plan your food shopping and prepare food to bring each day. This will give you better nutritional support and avoid the cost of convenience food.
- Sleep: you need the optimum 8 hours to get through the day. A fast way to slipping behind with your work, missing classes and risking getting ill is to lose sleep.
- Have a good notebook where you can keep notes from classes. You will refer to exercises and classes in your future careers.
- Hydrate: you will get thirsty between physical and vocal classes so invest in a good water bottle (not metal please).