Romantic Revival Orchestra: Florence Price
CBSO Centre
£5 children/students
£4-£12 early bird tickets

RRO: Florence Price - Symphony No.1 & New Music by Jamie-Lou and Ella-Rose Rayner
Join the Romantic Revival Orchestra in celebrating women in classical music, featuring two new commissions by composers at the conservatoire and a guest set by Riko Suzuki's Early Music Ensemble.
The Romantic Revival Orchestra (RRO) is made up of and run by RBC students and graduates, with support from staff. The aim of the RRO is 'to be at the forefront of the revival of romanticism in new music, as well as celebrating well-known classics alongside underappreciated gems'.
Riko Suzuki's Early Music Ensemble
Telemann Concerto in a minor TWV 43:a3
Kat Farn Ode 32
Riko Suzuki Banned Ba-rock
Romantic Revival Orchestra
Jamie-Lou Ellipse
Ella-Rose Rayner Eye of the Storm
Florence Price Symphony No.1
Running time approx. two hours including 20 minute interval