Public Research Seminar: Jennie Henley
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire - Workshop 2
200 Jennens Road, B4 7XR
Free - booking required
Seminars are in RBC Workshop 2 and can also be accessed online via Zoom. Please register if you wish to attend online and you shall be sent a Zoom code shortly before the seminar.

Public Research Seminar: Pedagogy and Inclusion
Jennie Henley (Royal Northern College of Music)
Drawing on over 20 years of research, Professor Jennie Henley will explore the relationship between pedagogy and inclusion through a deep exploration of learning using a framework derived from Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT).
Inviting participants to provide examples of their own experiences, Jennie will use a theory-rich framework developed to understand everyday pedagogical practice. Through applying this framework to experience, insights into what makes learning exclusionary lead to understandings of how inclusion might be achieved.
Through the analyses and discussion, Jennie will consider the concept of vulnerability and how as an educator, putting yourself into a position of ‘vulnerability as growth’ is fundamental to inclusive practice.
Professor Jennie Henley has taught and led music in various contexts for 30 years. Her experience spans instrumental teaching, ensemble direction, class teaching, workshop leading and teacher education.
She has worked with children, young people and adults and has a rich tapestry of practice crossing music education and community music. Working in a variety of complex and challenging settings, the central focus of her research is the relationship between pedagogy and inclusion.
Jennie is Director of Programmes and Professor in Music Education at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester. She continues to teach pedagogy at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Running time approx. 90 minutes