Early Woodwind Day
Early Woodwind Day
Early music
Date and time
11 Aug 2023 10am - 5pm
£0 - £15
Booking Information
Wheelchair users are entitled to concessionary priced tickets with a complimentary companion seat.
Guide dogs are welcome at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire venues. If you wish to bring a guide dog or wheelchair, please let the Events Office know by calling 0121 331 5909.

Tutors Annabel Knight, Gail Hennessy, Andy Watts, Emily Baines
- Come and explore the wonderful world of Renaissance and Baroque wind instruments, led by some of the UK’s leading early music specialists
- Taster Sessions on renaissance flute and double reeds including shawm, dulcian and bagpipes
- Renaissance Wind Band
- Baroque Repertoire Masterclasses for Flute, Oboe and Bassoon (Baroque or Modern instruments)
- Instrument Taster Sessions and Renaissance Wind Band - Free
All ages and levels welcome [FURTHER INFORMATION AND BOOKING] - Baroque Repertoire Masterclass sessions - £15 (performers); Free for observers
Suitable for Grade 5 and up, harpsichord accompaniment available [FURTHER INFORMATION AND BOOKING]
Forthcoming events in Early music
Forthcoming dates will be announced soon.