Lockdown-inspired song features on BBC Radio

University News Last updated 18 June 2021

Third year BMus Music Technology student Katie Ellwood’s latest release ‘Places’ recently featured on BBC Sounds and BBC Radio WM. ‘Places’, Katie’s third release this year, was written while she was studying at home and shielding. The song describes her struggles with her mental health, but also looks forward to escaping to happier times and places.

As she wrote the song, Katie reflected on how other people in similar circumstances may have felt and hopes they can identify with her story.

Katie said: “I have just finished my third year studying Music Technology at the Conservatoire and I enjoyed the course as I love to be fully immersed in my music, from the first idea, writing and recording stages, right through to the mixing and mastering of my own music. A lot of the music I write can be characterised by the blurring of digital and acoustic sound worlds, often featuring the use of cello and vocals mixed with electronic timbres.”

You can hear ‘Places’ on BBC Sounds Introducing in the West Midlands here (20:40 mark) and on Rakeem Omar’s show on BBC Radio WM (from 2:16:00) where you will also hear her talk about the song. This was first broadcast on 15 June.

‘Places’ is available on all major platforms.

You can keep up to date with Katie’s music at katieellwood.com or on Instagram: katieellwood_music.

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