A warm welcome from our new Principal

University News Last updated 05 May 2023

Stephen Maddock

Dear friends, colleagues and students,

I am absolutely delighted that my first week as Principal has finally arrived. For the last six months, since my appointment was announced, I have been talking to many people with RBC connections, as well as in the wider city and arts world. What comes though so strongly is the pride that everyone feels in this wonderful institution – the roots of which go back even further than the 103-year-old orchestra that I have had the honour to run for the last 23-and-a-half years.

I have been working in classical music for more than three decades, but this is my first job in a conservatoire, and there will doubtless be lots of things I will need to learn as I settle into the role.

I would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience with the questions I may ask, and in return I trust you will listen to my suggestions of how we can make this institution – and the wellbeing and achievements of our students and staff – even more successful.

I look forward to getting to know as many members of our RBC community as possible in the remaining few weeks of this term, and beyond that in the coming months and years.

If you see me around our buildings or on the wider Birmingham City University City Centre Campus, do please come and say hello. It is these connections between all of us and the wider cultural sector – as well as our excellent facilities at RBC – that help us make this the best place to study in the UK. 

I hope to see you soon.


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