Walking through the studio door, I am transported to a whole new world. A world of dreams, adventure and imagination, all made entirely out of paper and card.
In front of me sits a young boy under his duvet, reading a book about pirates by torch-light. Suddenly his mother shouts “It’s time for bed!”…and out goes his light.
I am now part of his dream, a huge pirate ship made of paper and card, creaks as it sails across the ocean in front of me, whilst pirates climb the rigging and crabs and rats cling to the ship, all with the aid of live sound effects.
This impressive live experience is the creation of first year Stage Management students, and was brought to life as part of their Technical Theatre and Props, Costume and Scenic Design modules. After spending their first year familiarising themselves with equipment and practices in class, and in supporting roles in the theatre with their fellow acting students, this project allowed them to create and manage their own installation; demonstrating their creative skills to their performing peer group.
Rebecca Critch, (Project Manager) told me how she felt working on the installation would help her in the future:
The detail on some of the pieces is incredibly intricate, and demonstrates the painstaking amount of effort involved in the process of assembling the installation. As guests walk through the live installation, Stage Management students are positioned at the lighting and sound controls, making sure that cues happen at exactly the right time, leading the guests around the display.
Hollie Wright, one of the module leaders, told me why the project is an important part of the Stage Management degree course;
“It’s an opportunity for students to realise a design, from scale model and ground plan to full scale space encompassing installation. Using the most basic of materials means students can develop craft skills and quickly make adjustments without the fear of waste or being daunted by the need for specific tools.”
Charlie Horn, Technical Theatre module leader, thinks that the project forms an important grounding for their future studies;
“I am always pleased with the students’ realisation they can create their own piece of work and their reaction to feedback from their colleagues. This generally results in an improvement in their self-confidence and a feeling they can aspire to more.It also serves as a good base for their third year project.”
Take a look through the image gallery below to experience the installation for yourself.
Article by Joanne Hudson, Events Assistant
Applications for BA (Hons) Stage Management are still open for 2017.