Wondered what our talented students of Birmingham School of Acting were getting up to in their spare time? There are currently three theatre companies that have been set up by soon to be graduates and one theatre company that has been set up by our Alumni.
We met with two of the theatre companies set up by Birmingham School of Acting students - Theatre63 (T63) and Borderline Confrontational (BC) - to find out about their new adventures:
Tell us a bit about your theatre company?
T63: Theatre63 consists of three third year students from the BA acting course. “We are dedicated to new writing, all our pieces are original and written by our writer Will.”
BC: Borderline Confrontational is an international theatre company based out of Birmingham, UK. It was founded by Amelia Sciandra and Laryssa Schoeck and comprises of students and graduates across courses from the Birmingham School of Acting.“The company seeks to create theatre that challenges expected conventions and works across cultures (and the pond) to make theatre we are passionate about."
What made you decide to create a theatre company?
T63: “What encouraged us to set up this business was the idea of having more of a creative control of our own work and being able to use what we have learnt during our course in a professional setting."
BC: “Our course doesn't offer much opportunity to work with British students, so we were looking for a chance to work across courses."
What were the easy/hard parts when setting up your company?
T63: “It was hard to find sponsors.” The students are currently funding the project by themselves. The profit from ticket sales will go towards expenses and then any leftover will go towards the next venue.
BC: “It took a lot of hard work and serious self-confidence to get our first project off the ground. I worked with BCUSU and they were helpful in getting our project on the ground.”
How do you feel that this has helped with your studies and career paths?
T63: “We were able to use our company to help with our business plan for one of our modules.”
BC: “It's always great to work on your own projects, I think it shows initiative and allows you to understand first-hand how difficult it truly is to make theatre happen from the ground up.”
Where would you like to see your company in five years’ time?
T63: “We aim to have an established/respected business, and to be able to have hired actors with regular shows."
BC: “It would be wonderful if in five years we were still finding ways to make theatre with students, especially on an international level as we are now.”
Do you have any advice for new and perspective students?
T63: “Combine all your skills, research sponsors well in advance and only do it if you’re really passionate about it.”
BC: “Remember why you came to drama school: ostensibly for the love of theatre. As your class load gets tough and you feel stressed, remind yourself that it's truly all about play. If you feel yourself getting too caught up in the minutiae of marks and feedback, take a moment to stop and have some fun. Get a studio and improvise, ask your friends to do an impromptu play reading with you, put together a night of songs. We were originally called "players" for a reason – try not to forget it!”
Twitter: @theatre_63
Facebook: Theatre63
Borderline Confrontational
Twitter: @borderconfront
Chubface Theatre
Twitter: @chubfacetheatre
Centrality Theatre
Twitter: @centrality_pt