RBC represents at Royal Music Association conference

University News Last updated 03 October 2024

Biennial International Conference

RBC researchers were well represented at the Royal Musical Association’s 150th anniversary conference in September. Researchers also attended the 13th Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900 in Leuven, Belgium.

The Royal Musical Association (RMA) conference was held from 11-13 September in London. Academics from across the spectrum of music studies gathered for the conference, which aims to promote all aspects of music research in words, notation or sounds.

The conference saw papers delivered by RBC Director of Research Professor Jamie Savan, Module Leader for Music Technology Contexts Dr Edmund Hunt, recent doctoral researcher Dr Michael Boyle and three members of the French Music Research Hub: Emerita Professor of Music Deborah Mawer, Visiting Reader Dr Caroline Potter and another recently completed doctoral researcher, Dr Laura Farré-Rozada. Lecturer in Music Dr Joanna Bullivant and Professor of Music and Director of the French Music Research Hub Christopher Dingle also attended.

Thanks to the Eurostar, three members of the hub, Chris Dingle, Caroline Potter and Laura Farré-Rozada (pictured), presented papers and chaired sessions in Leuven, where Senior Research Fellow Dr Pedro Cravinho also presented a paper.

Chris said: “It was great to see such strong representation of RBC’s research at these two major international conferences, especially the Music Since 1900 Conference, which was hosted in mainland Europe for the first time.”

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