A message from Principal Stephen Maddock

Stephen Maddock

Dear friends, colleagues and students,

It’s exactly a month since I joined RBC as the new Principal. And what a month it has been! I have really enjoyed getting to know as many of my colleagues as possible and also speaking to as many students as I can.

I’ve also seen a number of productions by students on our Applied Theatre course and a concert by some of our brilliant pianists, as well as sneaking into a few final recitals.

Last week, we hosted our sold-out Inspired Jazz Festival, and I also had the great pleasure last Saturday of attending an absolutely fantastic concert by the RBC Folk Ensemble – what a joyful, uplifting and deeply musical experience this was. If you have never heard the Folk Ensemble live (as I hadn't until last weekend) make this your resolution for the next academic year!

Those of you who know RBC well will not be at all surprised to hear that I have been overwhelmed by the knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment of everyone involved with this institution.

Having come from the orchestral sector, I am well used to having to fight my corner for my organisation in a world where classical music is being increasingly marginalised, especially within schools and in the media. Here we face some of these same challenges within this city and the Higher Education sector, but I have been so impressed by the many good ideas we have here for how we might take things forward, enhance our international reputation, and become even more central to the life of the University, the wider city and region. This makes me very optimistic that a great future lies ahead.

And in my first few weeks here, I have been keen to meet as many people as possible, and to learn from colleagues how RBC operates and how it engages with the University on every level. Over the coming weeks and months, I will be able to share more with you on how we move forward with a collective vision for the future of the Conservatoire.

And I would like to hear from you along the way too. If you have a brilliant idea, or maybe just a preliminary thought about what we might want to change, start anew or just do better, I do hope you will be in touch either through the existing management channels or by writing to me direct.

In the meantime, I hope to get the chance to say hello between now and the end of term at one of the many events taking place this month. If you see me, do come and say hi!

Stephen Maddock

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