University News Last updated 17 December 2021

In last year’s Christmas message I reflected on the extraordinary nature of 2020, and concluded by looking forward to a ‘gradual return to normality’ in 2021. Yet as the new year dawned we were thrust into yet another lockdown period, with staff and students once again drawing on their resourcefulness and creativity to tackle the challenges of remote learning.
In March, though, we were delighted to return to in-person activity. And since then, and especially since September, we have relished the opportunity to move closer to something approaching more ‘normal’ activity, albeit with Covid lurking in the background. The return to in-person activity of all kinds across Music and Acting has been hugely welcomed and such a relief. It has been so good to escape from the constraints of ‘bubbles’, to welcome back visiting artists to work with our students, and to invite audiences to enjoy the results of our work. Simple things we might have taken for granted before March 2020 are now so highly treasured.
As the end of the year approaches, RBC shares the concern of the country-at-large about the worsening pandemic situation, since our priority remains the safety of our students and staff. But we’re nevertheless looking ahead optimistically to all the opportunities the new year is set to bring.
Meantime, I would like to thank all my RBC colleagues for their continued hard work and resilience across 2021, and to express my pride in the achievements of our wonderful students. I continue to be very thankful to everyone outside RBC who has shown both interest in and support for us over the course of yet another unusual year.
Finally, I send you all my best wishes for a happy and enjoyable festive season, and – of course – a happy and healthy new year!