University News Last updated 23 June 2023

Congratulations to Senior Lecturer in Jazz Andrew Bain who, after nine rich and rewarding years at RBC, will be starting a new role at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.
I write to announce my departure from RBC as I leave to take on the Head of Jazz role at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Whilst I’m sad to be leaving, I am grateful for the many connections I have made with students and colleagues that have made the last nine years of my working life incredibly rich and rewarding.
Firstly, my fondest memories will be those of shared epiphanies and transformations made with my students. It has been a privilege to watch them grow as artists and people.
Secondly, for the opportunity to pursue a practice-led PhD with Faculty support, in addition to the financial support provided by Birmingham City University to facilitate my research projects, I am deeply grateful. I encourage any staff member with a similar interest to do the same.
Lastly, I will very much miss all staff – many of whom are longstanding friends – and thank them for helping me to make Birmingham my home since 2014. I will miss this place.
All the best for the future,
Andrew Bain