Robin Ward

Early Harp Tutor
New Zealander Robin Ward, a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand, is the first New Zealander to complete post-graduate studies in historical harp performance at a New Zealand University. Since completing his studies Robin had performed numerous recitals throughout Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, France, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. As a performer specializing in the triple harp Robin is keen to explore not only its historically appropriate repertoire, but also to explore its other possibilities.
Robin initially learned to play the lever harp, before moving onto the pedal harp, on which he completed a Bachelor of Music at Victoria University of Wellington, under the guidance of the principal harpist of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra: Carolyn Mills. Over the course of completing his studies on the pedal harp, Robin worked with various regional orchestras, and held the position of Principal harpist for the New Zealand National Youth Orchestra in 2000 and 2001. After becoming dissatisfied with the orchestral world, Robin went on to successfully completed both a BMus (Honours, 1st class) and a MMus in triple Harp Performance under the guidance of early music specialists Euan Murdoch and Douglas Mews.
In order to complete his studies, Robin took a typically Kiwi approach building his own instruments, and due to a scarcity of teachers worldwide, taught himself how to play it from surviving sources. Robin is indebted to the kind guidance and assistance of London based harpist, musicologist and harp-maker Dr. Mike Parker for his extensive knowledge and also to New Zealand harp-maker Keith Harrison for the generous use of his workshop and helping to construct Robin's first triple harp.